CraftTweaker: Hibachi - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki

Cook Time is the number of block updates that the recipe will take to complete, the actual game time will be influenced by the HIBACHI_TICK_RATE config value which in turn determines how many ticks between updates

Non-Burning Recipes provide short-hand for skipping the burn output and chance values, these recipes always produce the successful output:

    String recipe_name, 
    int cook_time, 
    IIngredient input,
    IItemStack output

Removing Recipes, currently this is done through the recipe name, it should be full form modid:recipe_name


mods.primal.Hibachi.removeRecipe(String recipe_name);

Existing Recipe Names can be printed to the chat/console through an in-game command

/primal recipes hibachi