CraftTweaker: Flaking - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki

block_hardness is the minimum required hardness of the block used in-world, for example normal smooth stone has a hardness of 1.5F

flake_difficulty is the chance that a given flaking attempt will succeed and process the input item

failure_chance is the chance of a successful flaking attempt failing and resulting in the loss of the input item without anything returned as output

It is possible to supply multiple output items

    String recipe_name, 
    float block_hardness, 
    float flake_difficulty, 
    float failure_chance, 
    IIngredient input, 
    IItemStack... output

Removing Recipes, currently this is done through the recipe name, it should be full form modid:recipe_name


mods.primal.Flake.removeRecipe(String recipe_name);

Existing Recipe Names can be printed to the chat/console through an in-game command

/primal recipes flaking