Cauldron - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki
Fluid and Item crafting. The cauldron is crafted from iron and stone, has a lid to protect the current contents, and a Cauldron Ladle for removing items and checking on the current status of the contents.
By default either Ovis Atre wool or a vanilla sponge can be used to remove unwanted fluids from a cauldron.
Recipes require a heat source placed below the Cauldron, fire, lava or a similar block. A drain can sit between the cauldron and heat source, allowing heat to be effectively shut off when the drain is closed. Once a cauldron has become hot enough to produce a recipe it will begin to emit steam-like particles.
Item Ingredients are thrown in-world into the top of an open cauldron, they can be added at anytime, however leaving unused items in a heated cauldron for too long will result in the items being cooked into Cauldron Slag, a waste product. A lid is available to prevent player or item interaction with the cauldron contents.
Over time Cauldron Slag will build up in unused ingredient slots, in addition ingredients that do not match a recipe will eventually cook into slag themselves.
The Cauldron Ladle is an item crafted from various types of wood that when sneak-clicked on the side of the cauldron will display the current heat and status of the cauldron's contents. like wise sneak-clicking on the top will either remove a finished item, or fish randomly for ingredient items that may have been added.
JEI Support, Recipe Example
Cauldron Recipes require at the very least an input fluid, and in turn can consume that fluid as part of the recipe or convert that fluid into a new output fluid. In addition the cauldron can hold up to four slots of input items, with two possible output slots.
Related Configs:
- FLUID_SPONGE_ITEMS Defines a list of items that can be uses to remove unwanted fluid from either a cauldron or barrel
- CAULDRON_TICK_RATE Determines how quickly the cauldron updates
- CAULDRON_HEAT_UP Amount that cauldron heat is incremented on each update with a valid heat source
- CAULDRON_COOL_DOWN Amount that cauldron heat is decreased on each update without a valid heat source
- CAULDRON_SLAG_CHANCE Chance of items left in a cauldron turning into Cauldron Slag
- CAULDRON_SMOKE_CHANCE Chance of a cauldron producing smoke when a recipe completes
- CAULDRON_RECIPE_MODIFIER Modifier that gets added to the base cook chance for all cauldron recipes
- CAULDRON_ACCEPT_ANY_ITEM Cauldrons will accept any item as opposed to only items that are contained in a recipe