UTILITY - Amorano/Jovimetrix GitHub Wiki

These nodes enable comprehensive data visualization, processing, and management. They support various operations such as visualizing data, processing arrays, exporting media, graphing data points, managing queues, routing data, and saving output with metadata. This suite of tools ensures efficient handling and analysis of multimedia and data-driven projects.


Visualize data. It accepts various types of data, including images, text, and other types. If no input is provided, it returns an empty result. The output consists of a dictionary containing UI-related information, such as base64-encoded images and text representations of the input data.



Processes a batch of data based on the selected mode, such as merging, picking, slicing, random selection, or indexing. Allows for flipping the order of processed items and dividing the data into chunks.



Responsible for saving images or animations to disk. It supports various output formats such as GIF and GIFSKI. Users can specify the output directory, filename prefix, image quality, frame rate, and other parameters. Additionally, it allows overwriting existing files or generating unique filenames to avoid conflicts. The node outputs the saved images or animation as a tensor.



Visualize a series of data points over time. It accepts a dynamic number of values to graph and display, with options to reset the graph or specify the number of values. The output is an image displaying the graph, allowing users to analyze trends and patterns.



Manage a queue of items, such as file paths or data. It supports various formats including images, videos, text files, and JSON files. Users can specify the current index for the queue item, enable pausing the queue, or reset it back to the first index. The node outputs the current item in the queue, the entire queue, the current index, and the total number of items in the queue.



Routes the input data from the optional input ports to the output port, preserving the order of inputs. The PASS_IN optional input is directly passed through to the output, while other optional inputs are collected and returned as tuples, preserving the order of insertion.



Save the output image along with its metadata to the specified path. Supports saving additional user metadata and prompt information.