Image functions - Ambercroft/TFT_eSPI GitHub Wiki
Image functions
drawXBitmap(uint16_t X0, uint16_t Y0, const uint8 * BITMAP, int16_t W, int16_t H, uint16_t FGCOLOUR, uint16_t BGCOLOUR);
Draw an image stored in an array on the TFT. XBM source format.
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W, H >> Width and height of image.
- BITMAP >> XBM source pointer.
- FGCOLOUR >> Optional Foreground colour.
- BGCOLOUR >> Optional background colour.
Put in a format of the XBM format > in a file or example !!
drawBitmap(int16_t X0, int16_t Y0, const uint8_t *BITMAP, int16_t W, int16_t H, uint16_t FGCOLOUR, uint16_t BGCOLOUR);
Draw an image stored in an array on the TFT. BPM source format.
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W, H >> Width and height of image.
- BITMAP >> BPM source pointer.
- FGCOLOUR >> Optional Foreground colour.
- BGCOLOUR >> Optional background colour.
Put in a format of the BPM format > in a file or example !!
Support functions
Returns the swap byte order for colours.
Returns BOOL
setSwapBytes(BOOL SWAP);
Used by pushImage()
- SWAP >> Change order of bytes for colours.
readRectRGB(int32_t X0, int32_t Y0, int32_t W, int32_t H, uint8_t *DATA);
Read RGB pixel colours from a defined area.
If W and H are 1, then 1 pixel is read, *DATA array size must be 3 bytes per pixel.
Data Size = W * H * 3
This will call readRect() if it is a 8 bit parallel interface.
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W >> Width.
- H >> Height.
- *DATA >> Array to store the information.
readRect(int32_t X0, int32_t Y0, int32_t W, int32_t H, uint8_t *DATA);
Read 565 pixel colours from a defined area.
If W and H are 1, then 1 pixel is read, *DATA array size must be 3 bytes per pixel.
Data Size = W * H * 3
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W >> Width.
- H >> Height.
- *DATA >> Array to store the information.
pushImage(int32_t X0, int32_t Y0, int32_t W, int32_t H, uint16_t *DATA);
Plot 16 bit colour sprite or image onto TFT.
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W >> Width.
- H >> Height.
- *DATA >> Array of source of information.
pushRect(int32_t X0, int32_t Y0, int32_t W, int32_t H, uint16_t *DATA);
PLOT 565 pixel colours into a defined area.
This handles swapBytes then calls pushImage().
- X0,Y0 >> Origin.
- W >> Width.
- H >> Height.
- *DATA >> Array of source of information.
setPivot(int16_t X, int16_t Y);
Set the pivot point on the TFT.
- X, Y >> Point of pivot.
REF !! What routine(s) relies on pivot !!
Get the X pivot point.
Returns int16_t X point.
REF !! What routine(s) relies on pivot !!
Get the Y pivot point.
Returns int16_t Y point.
REF !! What routine(s) relies on pivot !!
Put function here if uncertain the position to be placed on page.