Module 5 (Minimum Spanning Tree) - AlproITS/StrukturData GitHub Wiki

Minimum Spanning Tree

Spanning Tree

Suppose there is a graph G which is an undirected weighted graph, then the Spanning Tree is a subgraph of G where all vertices can be visited and there are no cycles in the graph.

Minimum Spanning Tree

Minimum Spanning Tree is the Spanning Tree that has the minimum cost among all Spanning Trees. The cost in question is the total weight of all the edges in the tree. It is possible to have more than 1 Minimum Spanning Tree.

There are 2 well-known implementations for implementing Minimum Spanning Tree, namely Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm. But what we will discuss now is Kruskal's Algorithm.

Kruskal's Algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm adds edges one by one so that it becomes a Spanning Tree. Kruskal's algorithm is a greedy approach in which each iteration looks for the edge with the smallest weight to add so that it can form a Spanning Tree.

In Kruskal's Algorithm, to get the Minimum Spanning Tree, here are 3 steps taken:

  1. Sort non-descendingly (not decreasing) all edges based on their weight
  2. Add the edge with the smallest weight. If there is a cycle in the Spanning Tree, then delete the edge. If not, add that edge to the Spanning Tree.
  3. Perform step 2 until a V – 1 edge is formed on the Spanning Tree.
  • Contoh:

To determine whether adding an edge causes a cycle, a disjoint set union (DSU) can be performed. The DSU will have an operation to join two sets, and it will be able to determine a specific set of elements. By finding the parent of the 2 sets that will be checked. If the 2 sets have the same parent, then adding an edge will result in a cycle. Therefore, edges are not added to the Spanning Tree.

  • Find

    To search for the parent of a vertex, we can do it iteratively or recursively. This implementation uses recursive.

    int find(int x) {
        if(par[x] != x) {
            return par[x] = find(par[x]);
    return x;
  • Kruskal

    void Kruskal() {
        int res = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < edge.size(); i++) {
            int src = edge[i].src;
            int dst = edge[i].dst;
            int w = edge[i].w;
            int parSrc = find(src);
            int parDst = find(dst);
            // Disjoint Set
            if(parSrc != parDst) {
                res += w;
                par[parSrc] = par[parDst];
        cout << res << endl;