Loot Tables For Modpack Designers - AllenSeitz/DimDungeons GitHub Wiki


Dimensional Dungeons uses separate loot tables for each of the two tiers of dungeons currently implemented. Many of these loot tables load other loot tables to make them easier to modify and for better organization.

There are three types of chests in Dimensional Dungeons: obvious chests, special chests, and lucky chests. Obvious chests appear in plain sight and have slightly worse loot than special chests. Special chests usually require solving a puzzle, parkour, or combat, and therefore have better loot. And finally lucky chests are bit of a wild card. Lucky chests can be hidden or in plain sight, but 70% of the time they are replaced with an air block when they spawn. By default I have the lucky chests set to roll on one of several hand picked vanilla loot tables.

Luck matters when opening obvious chests. Any obvious chest has a 20% chance of being upgraded to a special chest and this chance goes up with higher levels of luck.

Basic Dungeons

  • Obvious Chests use 'chestloot_basic_easy'. This loot table has an 80% chance of then rolling 'chestloot_1' and a 20% chance of upgrading to 'chestloot_2'. This is where the luck feature is implemented.
  • Special Chests use 'chestloot_basic_hard' which points to 'chestloot_2' directly.
  • Lucky Chests use 'chestloot_lucky' which then rolls on one of seven vanilla loot tables.

The specific contents of chestloot_1, chestloot_2, and chestloot_lucky are documented on [this] wiki page.

Advanced Dungeons

  • Obvious Chests use 'chestloot_advanced_easy'. This loot table has an 80% chance of then rolling 'chestloot_3' and a 20% chance of upgrading to 'chestloot_4'. This again is where the luck feature is implemented.
  • Special Chests use 'chestloot_advanced_hard' which points to 'chestloot_4' directly.
  • Lucky Chests use 'chestloot_crazy' which is similar to chestloot_lucky but it can sometimes give you an End City or Buried Treasure chest!

The specific contents of chestloot_3, chestloot_4, and chestloot_crazy are not documented on [this] wiki page.

Helper Loot Tables

If you've read this far then you've noticed that every Obvious and Special chest ultimately rolls on a loot table whose name starts with "chestloot_". BUT! Those loot tables also have sub-loot tables! And the reason for this is flexibility and convenience. For example say you want to get rid of all enchanted books. (Maybe you've got Tinker's Construct or a hardmode progression pack?) In that case, if you look in chestloot_1, there is a 32% chance to roll on chestbooks_1. And then chestbooks_1 has 18 different books with various weights in it. So if your goal is to get rid of the books or make books more common then that is one simple loot table entry to modify!

Here is a list of each sub-loot table, what generally is in them, and where they are used. Obviously if you are a modpack designer you could also change either 'chestloot_(tier)_(type).json' or 'chestloot_#' to do anything you want, too.

  • 'chestbooks_1' - used by chestloot_1. Contains less desirable enchantments and enchantments needed in small amounts. (Infinity, Blast Protection)
  • 'chestbooks_2' - used by both chestloot_2 and chestloot_3. Contains desirable enchantments and enchantments that players need on many items. (Unbreaking, Protection.) As an exception, I took Mending out and put it in chestloot_2 and chestloot_3 directly to make it more common.
  • 'chestbooks_3' - used by chestloot_4. These books multiple enchantments with synergy. For example, the Efficiency V Fortune III book.
  • 'chestbooks_4' - unused.

My concept for the "kit" chests was to give the player a lot of something that they would need a lot of. Food and redstone are self explanatory. The other blocks are all building blocks. I'm assuming that terracotta and glass aren't "overpowered", they just make your base prettier and building more fun! But if you're designing a hardcore Gregtech pack and these items actually are powerful then this is what you should look to change. Or maybe you could make your own additions too? Maybe you could add kits for other mods?

  • 'kit_random' - used by chestloot_1 and chestloot_3. Picks from one of the 5 following "kits" with equal chance.
  • 'kit_food' - has food.
  • 'kit_redstone' - has redstone parts.
  • 'kit_glass' - 27 random glass blocks and panes of all colors.
  • 'kit_concrete' - 27 random terracotta or concrete blocks.
  • 'kit_wool' - 27 random wool blocks or banners.

Finally there is the loot table trophy_1. This loot table has 1% chance to roll on any of the four chestloot_ loot tables. It contains only easter egg items. These items have no function and are just for fun.

Reminder About Weights

I have been using percentages to refer to probabilities in my loot tables. However this is only possible because I made sure that the weights in each of chestloot_1, 2, 3, and 4 each added up to 100. Once you start adding and removing loot table entries you could have a huge (and accidental) impact on the frequency of other items appearing. In particular make sure that the Portal Crown Block isn't made too rare by your changes.