Creating The Basic Portal - AllenSeitz/DimDungeons GitHub Wiki

Creating the Basic Portal

First, here is a minimum raw materials list.

  • 9x Stone Bricks
  • 3x Chiseled Stone Bricks
  • 24x Gold Ingots
  • 1x Trapped Chest
  • 1x Eye of Ender

Keep in mind you will also need to craft and activate keys. This is only the first step.

Crafting Important Blocks

First craft three Gilded Portal Blocks, which are a Chiseled Stone Brick surrounded by 8 Gold Ingots.

Gilded Portal Block recipe

Second, combine one of your three Gilded Portal Blocks with the Trapped Chest and the Eye of Ender to form a Portal Keyhole Block.

Portal Keystone Block recipe

Valid Portal Builds

This picture shows the minimum number of bricks needed to build a portal.

An example build.

Basically you need a frame of Stone Bricks surrounding two air blocks. And replace the top center block with the Portal Keyhole Block. The two spires on the side need to have your two remaining Gilded Portal BLocks on top.

An example build.

Sinking the portal into the ground is a good idea so that you don't have to jump into it. But remember you still need to place the Stone Bricks on the bottom even if you can't see them!

An example build.

Other Stone Brick variants can be used in the build, too. And the only air blocks that matter are the two blocks where the portal will appear.

Now that your portal is formed it is time to start preparing keys!


Problem: I put my key into the keyhole, but nothing happens. (Same as if I insert a dirt block, even.)


  • The key is not activated key, but a blank key. Refer to the page on activating keys.
  • The two blocks below the keyhole must be minecraft:air.

Problem: I put my key into the keyhole, but the portal shatters immediately.


  • A piece of the portal frame is missing. Check all 9 stone bricks and all 3 special golden blocks.
  • Portals can use mossy, chiseled, and cracked bricks - but not infested ones! Be careful in the creative menu.
  • The key you have is actually an advanced key, which requires an advanced portal frame.