Advanced Dungeon Loot Tables - AllenSeitz/DimDungeons GitHub Wiki

Advanced Dungeon Loot Tables

There are three types of chests in advanced dungeons:

  • Lucky Chests. These chests randomly appear in certain locations but they are usually easy to find when they do appear. These chests pull exclusively from vanilla loot tables.
  • Obvious Chests. These chests appear in plain sight and usually with a few enemies around. The loot is good but not great.
  • Special Chests. These chests are always guarded by my best traps and puzzles. The loot is fantastic!

In addition there is a 20% chance for any Obvious Chest to be upgraded to a Special Chest. So open every chest! In addition, for each level of luck the player has this chance is boosted by another 20%.

Lucky Chest Loot Table

All loot tables have an equal 1/6 chance.

  • minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost
  • minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/village_weaponsmith
  • minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor
  • minecraft:chests/stronghold_library

Obvious Chest Loot Table

Item Quantity Weight
Emerald 12-24 3
Block of Lapis Lazuli 3-5 3
Honey Block 6-12 3
TNT 10-20 3
Golden Apple 1-2 3
Turtle Egg 1-2 3
Potion of Luck 1-2 3
Potion of Harming II 1 3
Potion of Leaping II 1-2 3
Potion of Regeneration 1-2 3
Potion of Invisibility 1-2 3
Firework Rocket 24-40 3
Blank Map 1-2 3
Ender Pearl 4-6 3
Blank Portal Key 1 4
[Random Starter Kit] 1 20
??? 1 1
[Books 2] 1 32
total 100

Special Chest Loot Table

All enchanted items are enchanted at level 30 with treasure enchants possible.

Item Quantity Weight
Ancient Debris 1-3 3
Totem of Undying 1 3
Shulker Box 1 3
Ghast Tear 2-4 3
Trident 1 3
Enchanted Golden Apple 1 3
Enchanted Diamond Armor 1 4
Enchanted Diamond Helm 1 4
Enchanted Diamond Legs 1 4
Enchanted Diamond Boots 1 4
Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe 1 4
Enchanted Diamond Sword 1 4
Enchanted Crossbow 1 3
Enchanted Bow 1 3
Blank Portal Key 1-1 7
Bell of Secrets 1 4
Key Inscribing Station 1 4
Teleporter Hub Key 1 4
??? 1 1
[Books 3] 1 32
total 100

Random Starter Kit

These tables fill every slot of the chest with a variety of common items that players need lots of in their builds. If nothing else these chests are amusing to open.

All 5 starter kits appear with equal probability.

  • Concrete Starter Kit: the chest is randomly filled with all 16 colors of concrete and terracotta.
  • Wool Starter Kit: the chest is randomly filled with all 16 colors of wool blocks and banners.
  • Redstone Starter Kit: the chest is filled with various redstone components, with some components being more rare.
  • Food Starter Kit: the chest is filled with several tasty food items.
  • Glass Starter Kit: the chest is randomly filled with all 16 colors of glass blocks and panes. Looks pretty.

Books 2

This loot table also appears in the special chests of basic dungeons, but it appears more commonly in the obvious chests of advanced dungeons!

Note that the Mending enchantment appears outside of this loot table, and at TWICE the probability.

Enchanted Book Weight
Efficiency 5 2
Unbreaking 3 2
Fortune 3 2
Protection 4 2
Respiration 3 2
Thorns 3 2
Depth Strider 3 2
Sharpness 5 2
Fire Aspect 2 2
Looting 3 2
Sweeping Edge 3 2
Power 5 2
Loyalty 3 2
Impaling 5 2
Piercing 4 2
Quick Charge 3 2
total 32

Books 3

This loot table is exclusive to special chests in advanced dungeons. It contains enchantments at max level with good synergy.

Enchanted Book Weight
Mending + Unbreaking III 4
Silk Touch + Unbreaking III 2
Efficiency V + Fortune III 2
Protection IV + Featherfalling IV 2
Respiration III + Aqua Affinity 2
Protection IV + Thorns III 2
Efficiency V + Sharpness V 2
Power V + Mending 2
Power V + Infinity 2
Quick Charge III + Piercing IV 2
Quick Charge III + Multishot 2
Impaling V + Loyalty III 2
Impaling V + Riptide III 2
Sharpness V + Looting III 2
Sharpness V + Sweeping Edge III 2
total 32


This loot table has nothing functional in it. =) Just some fun easter eggs.