7. Odoo configuration - Alexandre-Guth/Elastic-Stack-FileBeat-Logspout GitHub Wiki

Work in progress

The set up

Odoo is installed in containers within a rancher environment. To do so, 2 dedicated nginx and postgres containers are deployed. Getting logs from containers could be tricky, we also used syslog-ng container and a filebeat container as sidekicks


This is a sample of our docker-compose, it is not complete and just highlight the most important variables:


volumes: - /srv/log/nginx10:/var/log/nginx environment: HTTPS_REDIRECT: 'true' RESTRICTED_ADMIN_AREA: 'false'


volumes: - /srv/odoo10/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password


labels: io.rancher.sidekicks: syslog-ng2,filebeat volumes: - syslog:/var/log environment: PSQL_HOST: postgres PSQL_PORT: '5555' PSQL_USER: username PSQL_USER_PASS: password GIT_BRANCH: '10.0'


volumes: - syslog:/var/log/odoo


volumes_from: - odoo

Getting the Odoo logs

The best option would be to configure odoo to log directly to syslog-ng or rsyslog and then ship the logs directly to Logstash. Unfortunately, I lacked of time to do it so I came up with a working configuration that was quicker to set up:

Add the followings to Odoo configuration file:

syslog = True logfile = /path/to/odoo.log

Set up syslog-ng configuration file /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf


Filebeat source the log from the odoo log file:


and ship it to Logstash:


Parse the Odoo logs

Here are the grok filters to parse standard Odoo logs:


Unfortunately, Odoo logs are not formatted the same way in debug mode so you won't receive any logs in Elasticsearch with this configuration. You can buil dyour own filters with the help of the documentation and tools as this grok pattern matcher:


There is also a grok debugger in the dev tools menu of Kibana;

We are still working on a better integration of the Odoo logs and I will update the wiki as soon as we'll get satisfying results.