SMIFT Certificate - Alessandro-Salerno/SMIFT GitHub Wiki

SMIFT Certificates are cryptographic "documents" issued by a SMIFT Network to identify and authenticate a node.

Version History

Version 1.0


SMIFT Certificates use RSA asymmetric cryptography to authenticate nodes. SMIFT Certificates are NEVER exchanged directly through SMIFT.


SMIFT Certificates use base 64 representation of a UTF-8 JSON object.

Data types

Type Description
TEXT Plain UTF-8 text
DATE Date using the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY and timezone UTC+00:00
KEY UTF-8 Representation of an RSA key
VERSION SMIFT Certificate version represented as UTF-8 text using the format MAJOR.MINOR


SMIFT Certificates hold the following information

Field Type Description
Certificate-Version VERSION The SMIFT Certificate version used for this certificate
Server-Name TEXT Name of the server to which the node belongs
Issuance-Date DATE Date of issuance of the certificate
Expiration-Date DATE Expiration date of the certificate
Issuer-Name TEXT The issuing network's name
Issuer-Key KEY The RSA public key associated with the issuing network
Public-Key KEY The RSA public key associated with this node
Private-Key KEY The RSA private key associated with this node