BattlEye Config RCON - Alderon-Games/pot-community-servers GitHub Wiki

BattlEye / BattlEye Rcon has been removed as of Patch 16825. You must move over to the new SourceRCON setup.


You can use BattlEye Anticheat's RCON tool to help moderate your server. You can configure and setup RCON with the following steps.

Important Note: The server must be stopped / restarted for these changes to take effect.

  1. Inside the WindowsServer folder, edit the Game.ini file. Path: /Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini
  2. Underneath the [BattlEye] header, create the entries specified in the below example.

Example Game.ini

; Enabled / true / false
; Logs eg PathOfTitans/Plugins/BattlEye/ThirdParty/Win64/BEServer_x64.log
; Port Number for Rcon (0 = Auto Detect / Game Port + 2) eg 7779
; 7777 = Default Game Port
; 7778 = Default Query Port + 1
; 7779 = Default BattlEye Port + 2
; 7780 = Default Stats Port + 3
; Rcon Password (Empty = Disabled)
; Max Ping (0 = Disabled)

Connecting to RCON

  1. Create a server with the server manager, enter your RCON login details

  2. Press connect and join your server, you will see yourself join in RCON. Example:

(2021-05-22 | 09:27:35) : Player #0 AlderonMatt (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2058) connected
(2021-05-22 | 09:27:46) : Player #0 AlderonMatt - BE GUID: 29688ed81c1e2c84a2d4503168163bc2
(2021-05-22 | 09:27:47) : Verified GUID (29688ed81c1e2c84a2d4503168163bc2) of player #0 AlderonMatt
(2021-05-22 | 09:27:47) : Connected to BE Master
  1. You can use the UI to run commands, kick people, and more. Please Note: because this RCON is made for Arma 3, not all commands will work for Path of Titans.

  2. You can run commands on players and kick / ban them:

Executable Commands

You can execute chat commands through the BattlEye RCON client. The syntax for commands can differ depending on the type of command. The result of issued commands is displayed in the server console (not the BattlEye RCON client console).

Standalone Commands

Commands that don't require a player to be executed. These commands can be executed normally in the BattlEye RCON command line, however the prefix is # rather than /.


  • #teleportall talonspoint will teleport all players to Talons Point.

Normal Commands

Any command that is not a standalone command. These are executed similarly to a standalone command but they must specify a player to execute from with the $ character followed by their username, AGID or BattlEye ID.


  • #$123-456-789 heal will heal the player with AGID 123-456-789.
  • #$Dinoman setattr hunger 100 will set the hunger of the player with the username Dinoman to 100
  • #$0 goto TalonsPoint will make the player with BattlEye ID 0 goto TalonsPoint.

List of all Standalone Commands

The following commands are Standalone Commands, and all commands not listed here are normal commands. For detailed explanations of the commands, go to Admin Commands.

  • #HealAll
  • #ProfileServer [Start/Stop]
  • #WaterQuality [Tag] [Quality]
  • #WaystoneCooldown [Tag] [Cooldown]
  • #Restart <Seconds>
  • #CancelRestart
  • #TimeOfDay [Time]
  • #Day
  • #Night
  • #Morning
  • #ClearBodies
  • #Weather [Type]
  • #Save
  • #Load
  • #Ban [Username] <Reason>
  • #Unban [Username]
  • #Kick [Username] <Reason>
  • #Announce [Announcement]
  • #TeleportAll [XYZ]
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