Strobe (Seg Line or Seg) - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

See the Documentation Guide for help understanding each page section.

Effect Sample (see here for sample info)
A Basic Strobe Cycle
Effect Sample Gif 1
A More Complex Strobe Cycle
Effect Sample Gif 2


An effect to strobe segment sets in various patterns, while switching between palette colors automatically. You have a lot of options for customizing the strobe cycle, especially for 2D segment sets, and can set the effect to alternate through multiple strobe types. No matter the configuration, the strobe follows a color pattern, taking colors from a palette. You have the option of supplying a specific pattern, or having the effect generate one for you to match a palette. There are also a few options for randomizing the colors.

The effect is adapted for 2D use with multiple segments. Different strobe modes will draw the strobes across whole segments or segment lines.

There's quite a lengthy set of notes on effect settings below, but it may be easier to understand just by trying the differed strobe and strobe color modes out.

Supports color modes for both the main and background colors.

For a more specific, but slightly easier to use strobe effect, see Police Strobe.

Inputs Guide & Notes:

Strobe Modes:

Strobe modes control how strobes are drawn. You can have multiple modes active at once, they will be drawn one after another.

  • 0 -- Strobe each segment in the set one at a time with a controllable direction (see Strobe Mode Directions below).
  • 1 -- Strobe each segment at a frequency of sMode1Feq, alternating over time. (see Frequencies below for more info)
  • 2 -- Strobe each segment line one at a time with a controllable direction (see Strobe Mode Directions below).
  • 3 -- Strobe each segment line at a frequency of sMode3Feq, alternating over time. (like mode 1, but for segment lines).
  • 4 -- Strobe all segments at once.

You can configure any combination of the modes to fire one after another. Each mode is controlled by a specific boolean setting (segEach, segDual, etc, see Constructor Inputs below). If the mode's boolean is true, the mode will be used. Each active mode will trigger after the previous mode has finished (with a pause in between). The effect will loop, so once the last mode has finished, the effect will start again with the first mode. You can change which modes appear on the fly by changing the mode flags.


For strobe modes 1 and 3, you have an additional frequency setting that controls the spacing of the pulsed lines/segments. For example, if the frequency is 2, every other line/segment will be pulsed, with the strobe'd set swapping after a strobe cycle, so that one half of segment set is strob'd and then the other. On the other hand, if the frequency is 3, then every third line will be pulsed, swapping to the next third, and then the final third to finish the full strobe cycle. It's much easier to understand in person, so just try it out!

By default both sMode1Feq and sMode3Feq are set to 2, so every other segment/line will be strobe'd.

Note that if you change either frequency mid mode 1 or 3, you must call reset().

Color Options and Strobe Cycle Behavior:

The strobe of each segment will continue for a set number of on/off cycle/pulses (ie creating the strobe). How the strobe colors are set, and how long each strobe cycle is depends on the strobeColorMode setting. A full cycle is complete when each of the segments or segment lines has been strob'd at least one time, while an individual strobe is one set of pulses only. The number of full cycles before a strobe mode is finished depends on the strobeColorMode.

strobeColorMode (uint8_t):

I'll describe each of the strobe color modes below, and give an example. For all the examples, suppose we have a pattern of 3 colors with a segment set having 5 segments, and we want to use strobe mode 0.

You can change the strobeColorMode during runtime using setStrobeColorMode().

  • 0 -- Each set of pulses will be a different color, with the strobe mode looping until all colors have been done. For the example above, 1 full strobe cycle (5 sets of pulses, one for each segment) will be done with each segment pulsing a new color from the pattern. Because the pattern is only 3 colors long, each segment is only strob'd once. However if the pattern was length 6, then two full strobe cycles would occur, so that all the colors in the pattern were used.

  • 1 -- The strobe goes through a full cycle for each pattern color. In other words the number of full strobe cycles is the pattern length, so that the all the segments are pulsed in each color one time. For the example above, the segments will be go through 3 full cycles, with the segments pulsing one color at a time.

  • 2 -- The strobe will do exactly 1 full cycle using 1 color from the pattern. For the example above, the segments will be pulsed in 1 color for only 1 full cycle, like a slice of color mode 1. This mode is most useful when using multiple strobe modes, so each will use a different color from the pattern.

randMode's (uint8_t) (default 0):

Sets how colors are chosen from the pattern:

  • 0 -- Colors will be chosen from the pattern in order (not random).
  • 1 -- Colors will be chosen completely at random (not using the pattern or palette).
  • 2 -- Colors will be chosen randomly from the pattern, same color will not be chosen in a row.
  • 3 -- Colors will be chosen randomly from the pattern, allowing repeats.

Note that the number of full cycles is dependent on the pattern length, even if colors are chosen at random, see strobeColorMode above.

You can also check setCycleCountMax() in the code to determine how many strobe cycles there will based on your pattern, strobe mode, and strobe color mode.

Strobe Mode Directions and Some Quirks:

All strobe modes, except "4", have a direction, direct. For modes 1 and 3 it controls what group of segments/lines is strobe'd first. For modes 0 and 2 it sets the start point of the strobe to either the first/last segment/line. This setting is shared across all modes (I didn't want a direction setting for each mode!). If you want different modes to have different settings, you use the strobeMode reference var to track the current mode and set the direction accordingly.

By default direct is set to true. (First segment/line to last).

The direction can also be set to alternate between full strobe cycles using alternate. By default, the direction will flip after each full cycle, but this can lead to some quirks when working with multiple strobe modes depending on the strobe color mode. For example, with two modes, and color mode 2, each mode will flip the direction, so overall, their directions will remain static (but reversed from one another). To help combat this, I've allowed you to adjust of often the direction is flipped using altFreq (defaulted to 1). The default of 1 means the direction is always flipped, but 2 would flip it every other cycle, 3, every third, etc.

Note that the direction is only flipped after a full strobe cycle (see note in Color Options above). This can lead to some complex interactions depending on the color mode and how many full cycles your strobe will do. Rather than trying to predict the exact output, it's probably easier just to test the effect with various altFreq values. Understand that the system is not perfect, and there are some flipping combinations that are not possible (such as flipping 2 out of 3 modes only), but it's simpler than having separate settings for each mode. (You can always manually track the strobe mode and set the direction manually).


The effect can be set to pause for a set time (pauseTime) between full strobe cycles or individual strobes, controlled by pauseEvery.

  • If pauseEvery is true, the effect will pause after each individual strobe cycle. For example, if our full strobe cycle consists of 3 individual strobes, one for each segment in set, the effect will pause after each strobe.

  • If pauseEvery is false (default), the effect will pause after each full strobe cycle.

Background Color Setting:

By default the background is filled after the end of every strobe cycle, and during a pause, to clear the final strobe pulse. You can control this behavior with the fillBg and fillBGOnPause flags respectively (both default true).

  • fillBg -- If true, the background will be filled after each set of strobe pulses, and at the end of a full strobe cycle.
  • fillBGOnPause -- If true, the background will be filled whenever the effect pauses (see Pausing above).

Disabling these causes the last pulse color to persist after a strobe is done, which can be used for some neat effects, like a sci-fi charging cycle "filling up" segments one at a time.

Note that the effect always enters a pause, even if the pause time is 0, so if pauseEvery is true, fillBGOnPause will control the fill after every strobe cycle.

Example Calls:

//Note that most of these examples work best with a 2D segment set. The second works well in 1D.

uint8_t pattern_arr = {0, 2, 1};
patternPS pattern = {pattern_arr, SIZE(pattern_arr), SIZE(pattern_arr)};

StrobeSLSeg strobe(mainSegments, pattern, cybPnkPal_PS, 0, 4, 0, 2, true, true, false, false, false, 50);
/*  Will do a set of strobes using colors from cybPnkPal_PS palette, following the pattern above.
    The background is blank, there are 4 pulses per strobe with 50ms between each
    The pause time is 0ms
    The effect uses strobe color mode 2, and strobe modes 0 and 1. */

StrobeSLSeg strobe(mainSegments, cybPnkPal_PS, 0, 6, 0, 1, false, false, false, true, true, 30);
/*  Will do a set of strobes using colors from cybPnkPal_PS palette.
    The background is blank, there are 6 pulses per strobe with 30ms between each
    The pause time is 0ms
    The effect uses strobe color mode 1, and strobe modes 3 and 4. */

StrobeSLSeg strobe(mainSegments, cybPnkPal_PS, CRGB::Red, 2, 500, 0, true, false, false, false, true, 100);
alternate = true; //put in Arduino Setup()
altFreq = 2: //put in Arduino Setup()
fillBg = false; //put in Arduino Setup()
fillBGOnPause = false; //put in Arduino Setup()
/*  Will do a set of strobes using colors from cybPnkPal_PS palette.
    The background is red, there are 2 pulses per strobe with 100ms between each
    The pause time is 500ms.
    The effect uses strobe color mode 0, and strobe modes 0 and 4.
    The effect has been set to alternate segment fill directions after each cycle.
    The background will not be filled after each pulse cycle. */

StrobeSLSeg strobe(mainSegments, CRGB:Blue, CRGB::Red, 5, 0, 0, false, true, false, true, false, 40);
/*  Will do a set of strobes in blue.
    The background is red, there are 5 pulses per strobe with 40ms between each
    The pause time is 0ms.
    The strobe modes 1 and 3. 
    (Note that the strobe color mode is excluded, because the result is the same for each mode. It is default to 0) */

Constructor Definitions:

//Constructor for pattern and palette ver
StrobeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, patternPS &pattern, palettePS &Palette, CRGB BgColor, uint8_t NumPulses, 
            uint16_t PauseTime, uint8_t StrobeColorMode, 
            bool SegEach, bool SegDual, bool SegLine, bool SegLineDual, bool SegAll, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor for palette ver
StrobeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, palettePS &Palette, CRGB BgColor, uint8_t NumPulses, 
            uint16_t PauseTime, uint8_t StrobeColorMode, 
            bool SegEach, bool SegDual, bool SegLine, bool SegLineDual, bool SegAll, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor for single color ver
StrobeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, CRGB Color, CRGB BgColor, uint8_t NumPulses, uint16_t PauseTime,
            bool SegEach, bool SegDual, bool SegLine, bool SegLineDual, bool SegAll, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor for randomly generate palette ver
StrobeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, uint8_t numColors, CRGB BgColor, uint8_t NumPulses, uint16_t PauseTime, 
            uint8_t StrobeColorMode, bool SegEach, bool SegDual, bool SegLine, bool SegLineDual, bool SegAll, 
            uint16_t Rate);

Constructor Inputs:

  • SegmentSetPS* segSet -- The Segment Set the effect will draw on. See common vars segSet entry for more details.

  • palettePS* palette (optional, see constructors) -- The set of colors the effect will use. See palettes. It is a pointer. See common vars palette entry for more details.

  • patternPS* pattern (optional, see constructors) -- The color pattern the effect will use. See patterns. It is a pointer. See common vars pattern entry for more details.

  • uint8_t numColors (optional, see constructors) -- The number of randomly chosen colors for the effect. The colors will be placed into the effect's local palette, paletteTemp for use.

  • CRGB color (optional, see constructors) -- A single color for the effect. The color will be placed into the effect's local palette, paletteTemp for use.

  • CRGB* bgColor -- The color used for background pixels. Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external color. By default it's bound the effect's local, bgColorOrig color. See common vars bgColor entry for more details.

  • uint8_t numPulses -- The number of pulses per strobe cycle.

  • uint16_t pauseTime -- The pause time between full strobe cycles (or individual strobe cycles if pauseEvery is true, see Pausing Notes above).

  • uint8_t strobeColorMode (optional, see constructors) -- (See Color Options in Inputs Guide above). Can be changed later using setStrobeColorMode(). Note that it is excluded from the single color constructor (defaulted to 0) because the result is the same for all modes.

  • bool segEach -- If true, strobe mode 0 will be run.

  • bool segDual -- If true, strobe mode 1 will be run.

  • bool segLine -- If true, strobe mode 2 will be run.

  • bool segLineDual -- If true, strobe mode 3 will be run.

  • bool segAll -- If true, strobe mode 4 will be run.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • uint8_t colorMode (default 0) -- The colorMode use for the effect, also see common vars colorMode entry for more details.

  • uint8_t bgColorMode (default 0) -- The colorMode used for the background pixels, also see common vars colorMode entry for more details.

  • bool fillBg (default true) -- When true, the segment set will be filled with the background color after each complete set of strobe pulses. If false, the background will only be filled when strobing (ie to create the strobe effect). (see Background section in Inputs Guide above).

  • bool fillBGOnPause (default true) -- When true, the segment set will be filled with the background color when each pause starts. If false, the background will not be filled when pausing. (see Background section in Inputs Guide above).

  • bool direct (default true) -- The direction of the pulses for strobe modes 0 and 2. When true, the pulses will move from the first to last segment, the opposite when false. (See Directions section in Inputs Guide above).

  • bool alternate (default false) -- If true, the direction of pulses for each strobe mode (except 4) will alternate after each full strobe cycle. (See Directions section in Inputs Guide above).

  • uint8_t altFreq (default 1, min 1) -- Only active if alternate is true. Controls the frequency at which the direction is flipped. 1 is after every full cycle, 2 is after every other, etc. (See Directions section in Inputs Guide above).

  • uint8_t sMode1Freq (default 2, min 1) -- Sets the segment frequency for strobe mode 1 (defaulted to 2; every other segment). (See Frequencies in intro). If you change this mid mode, you must reset().

  • uint8_t sMode3Freq (default 2, min 1) -- Sets the segment frequency for strobe mode 3 (defaulted to 2; every other segment). (See Frequencies in intro). If you change this mid mode, you must reset().

  • uint8_t randMode (default 0) -- Sets how strobe colors are chosen. (See randMode notes in Inputs Guide above).

  • bool showNow (default true) -- Controls if the effect "draws" during each update cycle by calling Common to all effects. See common vars showNow entry for more details.

Class Functions:

  • void reset();

    Restarts the effect from the first strobe mode.

  • void setStrobeColorMode( uint8_t newMode ); 

    Changes the strobeColorMode setting. (See Color Options in Inputs Guide above). Also restarts the current strobe mode.

  • void setPattern( patternPS &newPattern ); 

    Changes the effect's color pattern. Also restarts the current strobe mode.

  • void setPaletteAsPattern();

    Sets the effect pattern to match the current effect palette. Also restarts the current strobe mode. See Common Functions for more.

  • void setStrobeMode(); 

    Advances the strobe mode to the next mode (only call this if you manually want to change the mode).

  • void setCycleCountMax(); 

    Re-calculates how many strobe cycles to do based on the pattern length (only need to call manually if you're doing something funky).

  • void update();

    Updates the effect.

Reference Vars:

  • uint16_t totalCycles -- How many full strobe cycles we've been through. Resets only when reset() is called.

  • uint8_t strobeColorMode -- (See Color Options in Inputs Guide above). Set using setStrobeColorMode().

  • uint16_t colorNum -- The pattern index of the color currently being pulsed.

  • int8_t strobeMode -- The current strobe mode, automatically advanced using setStrobeMode().


  • bool paused -- Set true if a pause is active.
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