Shimmer (Seg Line) - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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Effect Sample (see here for sample info) (Shown in Red for clarity)
Effect Sample Gif


A simple effect. Colors all the pixels in a segment set, dimming each pixel by a random amount each cycle. The pixel colors can be chosen from a single color, a palette, or totally at random. The dimming range is controlled by shimmerMin and shimmerMax (0 to 255). If using a palette, the effect looks best when the palette colors are similar. Try it with a Noise Palette.

Note that when using a single color, it will be stored in the effect's local palette, paletteTemp.

Supports color modes for the shimmering pixels.

The effect is adapted to work on segment lines for 2D use, with each line being a single color. You can also force the effect to be 1D using lineMode:

lineMode (bool) (default true):

  • true -- The effect will "shimmer" segment lines (2D).
  • false -- The effect will "shimmer" individual pixels (1D). This is useful if you want to use a 2D color mode with individual pixels.

randMode (uint8_t) (default 0):

Determines how the shimmer colors will be chosen.

  • 0 -- Picks colors from the palette.
  • 1 -- Picks colors at random.

Example Calls:

ShimmerSL shimmer(mainSegments, 0, 180, 80);
/*  The effect will do shimmers in random colors.
    The dim range is 0 to 180.
    The effect updates at a rate of 80ms
    (note this sets randMode = 1) */

ShimmerSL shimmer(mainSegments, CRGB::Red, 0, 230, 100);
/*  The effect will do shimmers in red
    The dim range is 0 to 230.
    The effect updates at a rate of 100ms. */

ShimmerSL shimmer(mainSegments, cybPnkPal_PS, 0, 180, 80);
/*  The effect will do shimmers using colors from the cybPnkPal_PS palette
    The dim range is 0 to 180.
    The effect updates at a rate of 80ms. */

Constructor Definitions:

//Constructor using random shimmer colors
ShimmerSL(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, uint8_t ShimmerMin, uint8_t ShimmerMax, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor using a set shimmer color
ShimmerSL(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, CRGB Color, uint8_t ShimmerMin, uint8_t ShimmerMax, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor for colors randomly chosen from palette
ShimmerSL(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, palettePS &Palette, uint8_t ShimmerMin, uint8_t ShimmerMax, uint16_t Rate);

Constructor Inputs:

  • SegmentSetPS* segSet -- The Segment Set the effect will draw on. See common vars segSet entry for more details.

  • palettePS* palette (optional, see constructors) -- The set of colors the effect will use. See palettes. It is a pointer. See common vars palette entry for more details.

  • CRGB color (optional, see constructors) -- A single color for the shimmers. The color will be placed into the effect's local palette, paletteTemp for use.

  • uint8_t shimmerMin (min 0, max 255) -- The minimum amount of dimming that will be applied to a pixel (0 is no dimming).

  • uint8_t shimmerMax (min 0, max 255) -- The maximum amount of dimming that will be applied to a pixel (255 is max dimming, ie full black).

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • uint8_t colorMode (default 0) -- The colorMode use for the effect, also see common vars colorMode entry for more details.

  • bool lineMode (default true) -- Sets the effect to do shimmers along whole segment lines or individual pixels (see lineMode notes in intro).

  • uint8_t randMode (default 0) -- Sets how the shimmer colors will be chosen (See randMode notes in intro).

  • bool showNow (default true) -- Controls if the effect "draws" during each update cycle by calling Common to all effects. See common vars showNow entry for more details.

  • type var (default 255) -- desc

Class Functions:

  • void setSingleColor( CRGB color ); 

    Sets the effect to use a single color for the pixels. The color will be placed into the effect's local palette, paletteTemp for use.

  • void update();

    Updates the effect.

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