Segment Offset Cycler - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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A utility class that changes the rainbow/gradient offset of a segment set (or group of segment sets) over time for Color Modes. Note that for the utility to work, the segment set's runOffset setting must be true (otherwise the offsets will not be changed). Likewise, also note that effects will update their segment set's offset when they update, so this utility is only needed if you need to update the offset faster, or want to update the offset for multiple segment sets at once. See Color Modes for more info on offsets.

The Color Mode used in this utility must match the Color Mode of the effect you're using (since the offset length is based on the Mode). Helpfully, the colorMode setting in the utility is a pointer, so you can bind it directly to the effect's Mode like:

yourUtilityInstance.colorMode = &yourEffect.colorMode;

This mean any changes made to the effect's Color Mode will also change the utility's.

Note that by default, the utility's colorMode is bound to its local variable, colorModeOrig. To change colorMode directly, use yourUtilityInstance.colorModeOrig = aNewColorMode.

The utility can be specified to work on a single segment set or an array of multiple segment sets.

You can create an array of segment sets like:

SegmentSetPS *setArray[] = {&segmentSet1, &segmentSet2, etc}

The utility will tie various offset settings for the segment sets together, so that they all share the same value for their offset, offset rate, etc.

Make sure you use the utility's functions for adjusting these settings, as they will set them for all the segment sets. The variables in this Util are for reference. ie use setDirect(), setRate(), and setOffsetActive() instead of just changing the set's direct, offsetRate, runOffset.

Example Calls:

SegOffsetCyclerPS segOffsetCycler(mainSegments, 1, true, 30);
/*  Sets the offset for the single "mainSegments" segment set
    using colorMode 1 in the forward direction,
    changing at a rate of 30ms. */

SegmentSetPS *setArray[] = {&segmentSet1, &segmentSet2} 
//You'll have to define segment sets 1 and 2 yourself

SegOffsetCyclerPS SegOffsetCycler(setArray, SIZE(setArray), 4, false, 50);
/*  Sets the offset for the segment set array above, 
    using colorMode 4, in the backwards direction,
    changing at a rate of 50ms. */

Constructor Definitions:

//Constructor for a single segment set
SegOffsetCyclerPS(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, uint8_t ColorMode, bool Direct, uint16_t Rate);

//Constructor for an array of segment sets
SegOffsetCyclerPS(SegmentSetPS **SegmentSetArr, uint8_t NumSegSets, uint8_t ColorMode, bool Direct, uint16_t Rate);

Constructor Inputs:

  • SegmentSetPS* segSet (optional, see constructors) -- A single segment set for the utility to use. Note that you cannot access the segment set within the utility. (Use the utility's functions instead)

  • SegmentSetPS** segmentSetArr (optional, see constructors) -- An array of multiple segment sets for the utility to use. Note that you cannot access the segment sets within the utility. (Use the utility's functions instead)

  • uint8_t colorMode -- The Color Mode used by the utility (see more in into above)

  • bool direct -- The direction the offset will move (true is forward). Can be changed later using setDirect().

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • bool active (default true) -- If false, the utility/effect will be disabled (updates() will be ignored). See common vars active entry for more details.

Class Functions:

  • void setDirect( bool newDirect ); 

    Sets the offset direction of motion (true is forward).

  • void setRunOffset( bool newRunOffset ); 

    Turns the offset motion on/off (false is off).

  • void setCycle( bool newDirect, bool newRunOffset ); 

    A combination of the above two functions. Sets the direction and can turn the offset on/off in single function.

  • void setRate( uint16_t newRate ); 

    Changes the offset rate for all the segment set's and the utility's update rate to match.

  • void setSegmentArray( SegmentSetPS** SegmentSetArr, uint8_t NumSegSets ); 

    Sets the utility to use a new array of segment sets.

  • void setSingleSet( SegmentSetPS &SegSet ); 

    Sets the utility to use a new single segment set.

  • void update();

    Updates the utility.

Reference Vars:

  • bool direct -- The offset's direction of motion, set via setDirect() or setCycle().

  • bool runOffset (default true) -- If false, the offset will not be changed over time, set using setRunOffset() or setCycle().