Rate Control - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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A utility class that produces a output that transitions smoothly between a start and end value (uint16_t's). The output is intended to be used as an effect's update rate, speeding up or slowing down the effect, however, the output value is just a common uint16_t and could be easily be used for other purposes.

The output value is stored as outputRate.

You can use the output rate in your effects like:

yourEffect.rate = &yourRateControl.outputRate;
//The line above binds an effect's "rate" setting to the "outputRate" of the rate control utility
//Because the effect's update "rate" is a pointer, but the utility's outputRate is not, 
//we use "&" to bind it by address.
//Note that this means that both settings point to same place in memory
//If you want to change the effect's rate to something else, you'll need to bind it to a new variable.

Note that you cannot use the outputRate in an effect's constructor, you must bind it after the effect has been created.

Feature Notes:

  • The direction of the transition is automatically determined by the utility; no need to order the start and end values.

  • The utility is designed to transition once from the start to end values, setting its rateReached flag to true when finished. However it can be set to loop (using looped), which will cause the utility to constantly transition back and forth between the start/end rates.

  • When looping, you can configure the utility to pause for a set time (by setting a non-zero pauseTime value) once the end value is reached. Note that the rateReached flag is set true before the pause begins.

  • You can set the utility to use easing (via easing) for the transition curve. This will make the transition non-linear by using FastLED's ease8InOutApprox, slowing the rate of transition as it approaches the end value.

Other Notes:

  • You may change the utility's settings on the fly, including the start and end values. However, be sure the changing the start or end value wouldn't change the direction of the transition. ie if the original start value was less than the end, any new start value must still be less than any new end value, and visa versa. There is also a reset() function for totally changing the values.

  • The utility shifts towards the end value by 1 each update, so the update rate sets how fast the output value transitions.

  • To perform easing, the utility actually adjusts its own update rate. The utility's update rate setting is not changed by the easing, but is used to calculate a temporary update rate.

Example Calls:

RateCtrlPS rateCtrl(90, 20, false, true, 0, 100);
/*  Transitions between a rate of 90ms to 20ms and back again (looped is on)
    The pause time between transitions is 0.
    Easing is turned off, the utility updates every 100ms. */

Constructor Definitions:

RateCtrlPS(uint16_t StartRate, uint16_t EndRate, bool Easing, bool Looped, uint16_t PauseTime, uint16_t Rate);

Constructor Inputs:

  • uint16_t startRate -- The starting value of the transition output.

  • uint16_t endRate -- The ending value of the transition output.

  • bool easing -- If true, the transition will change non-linearly at the start and end (using FastLED's ease8InOutApprox function).

  • bool looped -- If true, the utility will loop after reaching the end rate, cycling between the start and end rate constantly.

  • uint16_t pauseTime -- Sets a time (ms) that the utility will pause for after a transition. Only used when looping.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.


  • uint16_t outputRate -- The output rate of the utility (see intro).

Other Settings:

  • bool active (default true) -- If false, the utility/effect will be disabled (updates() will be ignored). See common vars active entry for more details.

Class Functions:

  • void reset( uint16_t newStartRate, uint16_t newEndRate ); 

    Resets the utility with a new start and end ratem and restarts the transition.

  • void reset();

    Restarts the transition using the current start and end rates.

  • void update();

    Updates the utility.

Reference Vars:

  • bool direct -- The "direction" the output value is shifting. If true, the output is being incremented, false; being decremented


  • bool rateReached -- Set true when the utility reaches the end rate, is reset either via reset() or when looping.