Rainbow Fonts (Seg Line) - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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Effect Sample (see here for sample info)
Effect Sample Gif


An effect based on the "RainbowFonts" pattern in PixelBlaze. Features rainbow waves that grow and shrink. The effect is largely the same as the original, but I've added the ability to change the frequency of the waves.

The effect is adapted to work on segment lines for 2D use. Each line will be a single color.

Example Calls:

RainbowFontsSL rainbowFonts(mainSegments, 8, 80);
//Will do the effect with a wave frequency of 8
//The effect updates at 80ms

Constructor Definitions:

RainbowFontsSL( SegmentSetPS &SegSet, uint8_t WaveFreq, uint16_t Rate );

Constructor Inputs:

  • SegmentSetPS* segSet -- The Segment Set the effect will draw on. See common vars segSet entry for more details.

  • uint8_t waveFreq (min value 1) -- How fast the waves happen/move, recommend value of 5 - 30. Higher -> faster.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • uint8_t sat and val (both default 255) -- HSV saturation and "value" values for the rainbow. See Common Vars "sat and hue" entry for more.

  • bool showNow (default true) -- Controls if the effect "draws" during each update cycle by calling FastLED.show(). Common to all effects. See common vars showNow entry for more details.

Class Functions:

  • void update();
    Updates the effect.
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