Palette Cycle - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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A utility that takes an array of palettes and blends from one palette to the next over time. An automated, multi palette version of the Palette Blender utility. Like Palette Blender, the cycle can be set to loop and also randomize the palette colors as it loops.

To create a palette array, you'll need to use a paletteSet. See Palette Basics for info.

The utility's blended output palette is stored locally as cyclePalette. Its length and number of colors will be equal to the longest palette in the cycle palette array.

cyclePalette is a pointer, so passing it to effects is a little different than a normal palette:

//Sets an effect's palette to your palette blender's output palette
//Note that this assumes that the effect's "palette" var is a pointer (true in most effects)
yourEffect.palette = yourPaletteCycle.cyclePalette;

You can also pass *yourPaletteCycle.cyclePalette as part of the effect's constructor.

Feature Notes:

  • Overall, I recommend only cycling between palettes of equal lengths. The length of the blended output palette will be the length of the longest input palette. For example, if I blend from a palette of 5 colors into a palette with 3, the output palette will have 5 colors. This makes it easier when looping and helps maintain compatibility with effects. Note however, that this means that sometimes the output palette will have repeats of colors. Consider the previous example, since our output palette will 5 colors, but the ending palette only has 3, two of the end palette colors will be repeated in the output. The repeats will follow the order of the ending palette, so it shouldn't be noticeable with most effects.

  • The palette cycle can be set to loop (using looped). When looping, once the cycle has reached the final palette, it will blend back to the starting palette, repeating the cycle.

  • Instead of following the palette array in order, the utility can be set (using shuffle) to choose the next palette from the array at random. The chosen palette will never be the same as the current palette (for obvious reasons!). When not looping, the number of palettes blended will still be the number of palettes in the set.

  • The palettes can be set (using randomize) to have their colors randomized each cycle. Note that this permanently changes the colors of the cycle array palettes, so be sure you aren't using the palettes in other effects. If you do randomize, you may want to call reset() just before you first update the utility. This will refill the blended output palette's colors, and can help prevent "jumps" where an input palette changes after the utility is setup, but before it starts updating.

  • You can have the blend pause either at the beginning or end of each palette blend, with a configurable pause time, pauseTime. This is mainly used when looping. When paused, the palettes will not be blended, giving you time to reflect/absorb the current palette (and effect) colors, before cycling to a new palette.

Other Notes:

  • The utility uses an instance of the Palette Blender utility to do the blends, automatically swapping palettes and resetting it in the background for the cycle. The instance is created dynamically as part of the utility's construction. It is public and can be accessed as PB. Some utility settings must be changed in the blender instance directly. I mostly provide pass-through functions for changing these settings, but any missing settings can be accessed like: <your PaletteCycle instance>.PB->someSetting.

  • The utility's cyclePalette is pointed to the palette blender instance's blendPalette.

  • Any quirks from the Palette Blender will also apply to this utility, see the blender's Other Notes entry.

  • The utility's randomize feature does not use the randomize feature in the Palette Blender. The palette randomizing is handled fully this utility.

Example Calls:

//To declare palette set, use the paletteSet struct (see Palette Basics wiki page):
palettePS *paletteArr[] = { &palette1, &palette2, etc };
paletteSetPS paletteSet = { paletteArr, SIZE(paletteArr), SIZE(paletteArr) };
//Note you'll have to create your own palette1 and palette2

PaletteCyclePS paletteCycle(paletteSet, true, false, false, false, 0, 50, 80);
/*  Blends between each palette in the array in order, looping back to the first palette at the end
    The palettes are not randomized or shuffled, 
    the blend does not start paused, and the pause time is 0ms.
    each blend takes 50 steps, with 80ms between each step. */

PaletteCyclePS paletteCycle(paletteSet, true, false, true, true, 3000, 50, 80);
/*  Blends between each palette in the array in order, looping back to the first palette at the end
    The palettes are not randomized, but are shuffled.
    The palette blending will start paused, with a pause time of 3000ms,
    so the initial palette will be constant until 3000ms have passed from the first update.
    each blend takes 50 steps, with 80ms between each step. */

Constructor Definitions:

PaletteCyclePS(paletteSetPS &PaletteSet, bool Looped, bool Randomize, bool Shuffle, bool StartPaused, 
               uint16_t PauseTime, uint8_t TotalSteps, uint16_t Rate);

Constructor Inputs:

  • paletteSetPS* paletteSet -- The pointer to the Palette Set used for the blends.

  • bool looped -- If true, will reset the blend cycle once it has ended, cycling back to the starting palette.

  • bool randomize -- If true, will randomize the next palette in the cycle. Note that this will permanently modify palettes, so make sure you aren't using them elsewhere! Combine this with looped, to produce constantly changing palettes.

  • bool shuffle -- If true, a random palette from the set will be chosen for each blend (will not be the same as the current palette). When not looping, the number of palettes blended will still be the number of palettes in the set. Works, with randomize, but isn't really useful.

  • bool startPaused -- If true, then the blend cycle will start paused, blocking the first palette blend for pauseTime time. Can be changed later using setStartPaused(). Note that this setting is a member of the Palette Blender instance and not in the cycle utility itself.

  • uin16_t pauseTime -- The time (ms) that the utility will pause for between blends. Can be changed later using setPauseTime(). Note that this setting is a member of the Palette Blender instance and not in the utility itself.

  • uint8_t totalSteps -- The total number of steps taken to blend between the palettes. Can be changed later using setTotalSteps(). Note that this setting is a member of the Palette Blender instance and not in the cycle utility itself.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more. The Palette Blender instance's update rate is also bound to the rate.

Output Vars:

  • palettePS* cyclePalette -- The blended palette created by the utility. Is a pointer. See notes in intro on how to use it in effects.

Other Settings:

  • bool compliment (default false) -- Only relevant when randomizing. If true, randomized palettes will only generate complimentary colors, which means they will be equally spaced across the hue spectrum (see the HSV color space). This should generate color sets that are different but "look good" together.

  • bool active (default true) -- If false, the utility/effect will be disabled (updates() will be ignored). See common vars active entry for more details.

  • PaletteBlenderPS* PB -- The Palette Blender instance. (See Other Notes above).

Class Functions:

  • void reset();

    Restarts the blend cycle (all settings and palettes stay the same).

  • void reset( paletteSetPS &newPaletteSet ); 

    Restarts the blend cycle with a new palette set, but with the same steps and update rate.

  • void setTotalSteps( uint8_t newTotalSteps ); 

    Changes the number of blend steps. This setting is local to the utility's Palette Blender instance, see Palette Blender for info.

  • void setPauseTime( uint16_t newPauseTime );

    Changes the pause time (ms) between blends. This setting is local to the utility's Palette Blender instance, see Palette Blender for info.

  • void setStartPaused( bool newStartPaused ); 

    Changes the startPaused setting in the utility's local Palette Blender instance, see Palette Blender for info.

  • void update();

    Updates the utility.

Reference Vars:

  • uint16_t cycleNum -- How many palette blends have been completed. Must be reset manually by calling reset().


  • bool done -- Set true when the utility has blended through all the palettes in the palette set. Not set when looping.