Effect Set Fader - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

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Fading In and Out Between Two Streamer Effects (Fading Looks Much Better IRL)

(see here segment layout info)

Effect Sample Gif


A utility class for fading effects in and out, allowing a smooth transitioning between effects, like when a song fades out as it ends. It is intended to be used as part of an Effect Set to fade the effects in the set. The utility will automatically fade effects in the set in and out as the set approaches its runTime. You can configure the utility's fade time, and if the effects fade in, out, or both.

Note that the fade time runs concurrently with effects, so if you have an effect with a run time of 10sec and a fader fading in and out over 2sec, the time where the effect is not fading will be 6sec: the 10sec run time minus the 4sec spent fading in and out.


Under the hood, the utility uses an instance of the Effect Fader utility class to handle the fading, while the set fader handles the timing and resetting of the instance. The instance is public, and can be accessed effectFader in the utility. The fader works by changing the brightness of the effect(s) segment set(s).

Note that any restrictions that apply to the Effect Fader utility also apply to this utility. This generally means that the fader may not work well with any effects that need to read or add LED colors from the FastLED leds array (See segment set brightness entry for more).

DO NOT update() the utility if the Effect Set is empty; the segment set brightness's will be default to 255, and fading in will not work.

Setup, Running, and Resetting:

To setup the utility, you'll first need an Effect Set and array of effect(s).

For Example:

EffectBasePS *effArray[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
EffectSetPS effectSet(effArray, SIZE(effArray), 1, 14000); //(run time 14000ms)

Note that we're going to add our Effect Set Fader to the Effect Set, putting it in the first index, so I've made the effect array length 2. We will use the second index for our actual effect, which you'll need to create and add yourself. Also note that I've set the "destuct limit" in the effect set to 1, which prevents us from accidentally destructing the Set Fader. This is only relevant if you plan on dynamically allocating your effects (you probably don't).

With the Effect Set created, we need to create our set fader:

EffectSetFaderPS setFader(effectSet, 3000); //(run time 3000ms)

Note that we use our effect set as an input to the fader. This tells the fader to fade only effects in that set.

Finally, in the Arduino setup() function, we need to add the fader to the effect set in the first index:

effectSet.setEffect(&setFader, 0); 
//note that the setEffect function expects an effect pointer, so we need to pass our fader by address using &.

This adds the fader to the effect set, so that the fader will be updated alongside our effect.

IMPORTANT: the fader should be placed in the effect array before any effects, otherwise, you'll see a flash when the set first updates.

At this point, when you update the effect set, the effect will be faded in and out (taking 3000ms for both fades) as the effect set starts/ends. Note that the fades run concurrently with the effect, so the effect spends 8000ms (14000 - 3000 * 2) at full brightness.

Once the effect set has run, you'll probably want to reset() it, either to restart the effect, or swap in a new effect. Do to some code complications, the fader utility only runs once, and must be manually reset, with it's own reset() function. In practice, this is pretty simple, just reset the fader whenever you reset you effect set.

Example Calls:

//(see setup guide above, but for reference)
EffectSetFaderPS effectSetFader(effectSet, 2000, true, true);
/* Will create a fader with a fade time of 2000ms.
   It is configured to both fade in and out. */

Constructor Definitions:

//Base constructor, will fade in and out
EffectSetFaderPS(EffectSetPS &EffectSet, uint16_t FadeRunTime);
//Constructor with fade in and out options
EffectSetFaderPS(EffectSetPS &EffectSet, uint16_t FadeRunTime, bool FadeIn, bool FadeOut);

Constructor Inputs:

  • EffectSetPS* effectSet -- The effect set that the fader will operate on.

  • uint16_t fadeRunTime -- The time (ms) taken to fade in/out. Can be changed later using setupFader().

  • bool fadeIn (optional, default true) -- If false, no fade in will be done.

  • bool fadeOut (optional, default true) -- If false, no fade out will be done.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • uint16_t* rate (default 60) -- The utility's update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig, which is defaulted to 60. See common vars rate entry for more.

  • bool active (default true) -- If false, the utility/effect will be disabled (updates() will be ignored). See common vars active entry for more details.

  • EffectFaderPS* effectFader -- The Effect Fader instance. You shouldn't need to touch this, but it's public just in case.

Class Functions:

  • void reset();

    Restarts the fader.

  • void reset( EffectSetPS &newEffectSet, uint16_t newFadeRunTime ); 

    Resets the fader with a new Effect Set and fade run time.

  • void setupFader( uint16_t newFadeRunTime ); 

    Changes the run time of the fader, also restarts the fader.

  • void resetFader(); 

    Resets the Effect Fader, restarting it (see Effect Fader reset() function). You shouldn't need to call this.

  • void resetBrightness(); 

    Resets the segment set(s) to their original brightness setting(s) (as recorded during the first update()). You shouldn't need to call this.

  • void update();

    Updates the effect.

Reference Vars:

  • uint16_t fadeRunTime -- The time (ms) taken to fade in/out. Set using setupFader().


  • bool fadeInStarted (default false) -- Set true if a fade in has started.

  • bool fadeOutStarted (default false) -- Set true if a fade out has started.

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