Color Wipe (Seg Line or Seg) - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

See the Documentation Guide for help understanding each page section.

Effect Sample (see here for sample info)
Effect Sample Gif


An effect that colors one segment line (or segment) after another until all lines/segments are filled. The effect can be configured to wipe in specific lengths (these being repeated down the segment set). Ie you could have a segment set with 24 lines, and use a wipe length of 6, producing 24/6 = 4 wipes. The wipes can be set to either all happen simultaneously or in sequence. The effect can either be configured to wipe whole segments, or segment lines one by one (see segMode notes below).

Wipes have a direction. This can be set to alternate with each wipe.

The effect can also be set to loop, repeating the wipes continuously, with a variety of loop options. This allows you to create a complex set of wipes using just one effect.

The effect uses a pattern and palette for colors and various styles to display them:

style's (uint8_t):

  • 0 -- The colors alternate with each wipe. Ie if you have 4 wipe sections, each will be a different color from the pattern.
  • 1 -- The colors alternates with each segment line.
  • 2 -- The colors alternate with each segment.

The effect is compatible with colorModes. They will override the style setting.

Once all the wipes are finished, the done flag will be set, and the effect is is over until it is reset or is looped.

The effect's background color is default to blank (0). You can change this by setting bgColorOrig.

You can adjust most of the effect variables (wipeDirect, simult, etc) on the fly. The only restriction are the wipeLength and segMode, which must be set using setWipeLength(), and setSegMode().

Inputs Guide & Notes:

SegMode, Wipe Lengths, and Update Rates:

segMode (bool) configures the effect to wipe whole segments, or segment lines, one by one. Each segMode has it's own wipeLength (segWipeLen or lineWipeLen). When you first create the effect, depending on the segMode you use, either segWipeLen or lineWipeLen will be set to wipeLength you pass in. The other length will be set to 0 (so that a whole wipe is done). When switching segModes, the wipeLength will be set to segWipeLen or lineWipeLen. This ensures that when looping (see below), we have a specific wipe length for segment or line wipes. You can change the segWipeLen and lineWipeLen manually at any time.

You can change the segMode by calling setSegMode(newSegMode), which also changes the wipeLength to either segWipeLen or lineWipeLen (also recalculating the total number of wipes, numWipes).

Because the number of segments and segment lines will probably not be equal, I've included a time offset for when segMode is true: segRateAdj. This is added to the effect's update rate, allowing you to slow down the updates by a fixed amount, while still being able to vary the effect's rate like other effects.

The is mostly useful when looping: For example, say I have a segment set with 5 segments, and 20 segment lines. I have the ColorWipe set to loop, switch segModes when it does. I have my update rate set to 80ms, which looks good with my segment lines, but is too fast for the whole segments. So I set segRateAdj to 100ms, making the overall update rate in segMode 180ms (100 + 80).

Note that I'm assuming that most segment sets have more lines than segments, so you'd want to slow down the segment wiping. segRateAdj CAN be negative, to increase the update rate, but you must be EXTREMELY careful to keep it less than the overall rate.

segRateAdj's range is +/-32,767(ms).


To keep wiping continuously, you can set the wipes to loop, which will automatically reset the effect repeatedly. The number of full wipes completed is stored in loopCount. (ie if you have 4 wipes, loopCount will increment every time those 4 wipes are finished).

There are a various of options for configuring how the wipe loops, allowing you to change the wipe direction, wipe a background color, etc. You can configure these options all at once using setUpLoop(). Or you can set them individually.

The loop options give you a lot of flexibility in creating different effects, I encourage you to play with them! If you can't setup exactly what you want, you can always create multiple ColorWipes, and invoke them manually, swapping/resetting them out as they are done.

The Loop Options:

  • bool looped -- Sets if the wipes loop or not. Looping wipes automatically restart every time a wipe is finished. The other loop variables are only relevant if the wipe is looping, because they modify subsequent loops.

  • uint8_t bgLoopFreq (min 2) -- Sets how often a background wipe (bgWipe) is done. ie 2 will be every other loop, 3, every 3 loops, etc. The minimum is 2, because wiping the background every loop (1) isn't useful. Note that if bgLoop is false, no background wipes will be done! I suggest starting with this at 2.

  • bool bgLoop -- If true, then the background color (default 0) will be used as the color wipe every bgLoopFreq loop. Ie, we wipe a color and then wipe off, looping.

  • uint8_t loopFreq (min 1) -- Sets on what loops shiftPatLoop, altWipeDirLoop, and altSegDirLoop trigger. ie 1 will trigger them every loop, 2 every other loop, etc. This allows you to build some really neat effects just by changing the freq. I suggest starting with this at 1.

  • bool shiftPatLoop -- If true, the pattern will be shifted forward by 1 with every loopFreq loop, changing the colors of each segment / line with each wipe (this is done with an offset, it does not change the existing pattern).

  • bool altWipeDirLoop -- If true, then the wipe direction will be flipped every loopFreq loop (note that this modifies the original startingDirect value).

  • bool bgAltLoop -- Only used if altWipeDirLoop is true.

    • If true, the the wipe direction will only swap on colored wipes, not on background ones.
    • Ie colored wipe->background wipe->(wipe direction flips)->colored wipe->background wipe->(flip)->etc.
    • If false, then the wipe direction will flip every loop.
    • Ie colored wipe->(wipe direction flips)->background wipe->(wipe direction flips)->colored wipe->etc.
  • bool altSegDirLoop -- If true, then the segment set direction will be flipped every loopFreq loop. This is different than flipping the wipe direction, since it makes the first wipe start at the opposite end of the segment set, rather than having the wipe just move in the opposite direction.

  • bool altSegModeLoop -- If true, will switch segMode setting the effect from wiping segment lines to whole segments, or visa versa. When swapping, the wipeLength will be set to segWipeLen or lineWipeLen depending on the segMode. See setWipeLength() for info on how these are set. Note that altSegModeLoop triggers every loop. For me, this seemed like the best option rather than tying it to a freq. It seemed weird to want to switch segModes for multiple loops, you might as well just create two different ColorWipes.

Example Calls:

ColorWipeSLSeg colorWipeSL(mainSegments, cybPnkPal_PS, 0, 1, false, false, true, false, 140);
/* Will do a color wipe along mainSegment's lines using colors from cybPnkPal_PS
   (A pattern will be generated to match the palette)
   Only one wipe will happen, it is the full length of the segment set
   (passing 0 in as the wipe length automatically sets the wipe length to the number of lines in the segment set)
   The style is 1, each line will alternate colors according to the pattern.
   Both simlut and alternate are false (they don't matter for a single wipe)
   The wipe will move in the positive direction, updating at 140ms 
   Hint: try colorWipeSL.setUpLoop(true, 2, false, 1, true, false, false, false, false),
         with a style of 0 to wipe through all the colors continuously. */
uint8_t pattern_arr = {0, 2, 1};
patternPS pattern = {pattern_arr, SIZE(pattern_arr), SIZE(pattern_arr)};

ColorWipeSLSeg colorWipeSL(mainSegments, cybPnkPal_PS, pattern, 8, 0, true, false, false, false, 140);
/* Will do a color wipe along mainSegment's lines using colors from cybPnkPal_PS, according to pattern1
   The wipe length is 8 (assumed to be shorter than the segment set num lines)
   The style is 0, each wipe will alternate colors according to the pattern.
   The wipes will occur simultaneously with each wipe being in the same direction
   The wipes will move in the negative direction, updating at 140ms */

ColorWipeSLSeg colorWipeSL(mainSegments, CRGB(CRGB::Red), 2, 0, true, true, false, true, 140);
/* Will do a color wipe along mainSegment's segments using CRGB::Red as the only color
   The wipe length is 2 (assumed to be shorter than the segment set num segments)
   The style is 0 (doesn't matter b/c we only have one color)
   The wipes will occur in sequence with each wipe alternating direction
   The first wipe will move in the negative direction, updating at 140ms */

Constructor Definitions:

//Constructor using pattern and palette
ColorWipeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, palettePS &Palette, patternPS &Pattern, uint16_t WipeLength, uint8_t Style, 
               bool Simult, bool Alternate, bool WipeDirect, bool SegMode, uint16_t Rate);  
//Constructor using palette alone 
ColorWipeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, palettePS &Palette, uint16_t WipeLength, uint8_t Style, bool Simult, 
               bool Alternate, bool WipeDirect, bool SegMode, uint16_t Rate); 

//Constructor for a single color wipe
ColorWipeSLSeg(SegmentSetPS &SegSet, CRGB WipeColor, uint16_t WipeLength, uint8_t Style, bool Simult,
               bool Alternate, bool WipeDirect, bool SegMode, uint16_t Rate); 

Constructor Inputs:

  • SegmentSetPS* segSet -- The Segment Set the effect will draw on. See common vars segSet entry for more details.

  • palettePS* palette (optional, see constructors) -- The set of colors the effect will use. See palettes. It is a pointer. See common vars palette entry for more details.

  • patternPS* pattern (optional, see constructors) -- The color pattern the effect will use. See patterns. It is a pointer. See common vars pattern entry for more details.

  • CRGB color (optional, see constructors) -- A single color for all the wipes. The color will be placed in the effect's local palette, paletteTemp. The local pattern, patternTemp, will be set to match the palette (ie a single entry for the single color).

  • uint16_t wipeLength -- Set how long each wipe is. The effect will always do enough wipes to fill the segment set (passing 0 in as the wipe length automatically sets the wipe length to the number of lines in the segment set).

  • uint8_t style -- How the colors are displayed for the wipe(s) (see notes in intro above).

  • bool simult -- If true, then all wipes will happen at the same time, otherwise they will happen one after another.

  • boo alternate -- If true, wipes will alternate directions (ie if one wipe is going forward, the next will reverse).

  • bool wipeDirect -- The direction of the first wipe, true is forward.

  • bool segMode -- If true, the wipes will use whole segments, otherwise they'll use segment lines.

  • uint16_t* rate -- Update rate (ms). Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external variable. By default it's bound the effect's local variable, rateOrig. See common vars rate entry for more.

Other Settings:

  • uint8_t colorMode (default 0) -- The colorMode use for the effect, also see common vars colorMode entry for more details.

  • uint8_t bgColorMode (default 0) -- The colorMode used for the background pixels, also see common vars colorMode entry for more details.

  • CRGB* bgColor (default 0 - blank) -- The color used for background pixels. Is a pointer, allowing you to bind it to an external color. By default it's bound the effect's local, bgColorOrig color. See common vars bgColor entry for more details.

  • bool segDirect (default true) -- The direction of the segments for the wipe, ie if false, the first line will be treated as the last line, etc.

  • int16_t segRateAdj (default 0) -- The adjustment rate for segMode (see segMode Notes above )

  • uint16_t lineWipeLen (default 0) -- The length for line wipes (segMode false), (see segMode Notes above).

  • uint16_t segWipeLen (default 0) -- The length for seg wipes (segMode true), (see segMode Notes above).

  • bool showNow (default true) -- Controls if the effect "draws" during each update cycle by calling Common to all effects. See common vars showNow entry for more details.

  • For looping vars, see looping notes above.

Class Functions:

  • void reset();

    Resets the effect vars, restarting the wipes.

  • void setPaletteAsPattern();

    Sets the effect pattern to match the current effect palette. See common vars for more.

  • void setWipeLength( uint16_t newWipeLength );

    Sets the wipe length, does NOT restart the effect.

  • void setSegMode( bool newSegMode );

    Changes the segMode. Also changes the wipeLength to either segWipeLen or lineWipeLen (recalculating numWipes) (see segMode notes above).

  • void resetLoop();

    Resets the current loop, will switch to the next loop, only relevant when looping (you shouldn't need to call this).

  • void setUpLoop( bool nLooped, uint8_t nBgLoopFreq, bool nBgLoop, uint8_t nLoopFreq, bool nShiftPatLoop, bool nAltWipeDirLoop, bool nBgAltLoop, bool nAltSegDirLoop, bool nAltSegModeLoop );

    A quick way of setting all the loop variables (see intro for notes on loops for var meanings).

  • void update();

    Updates the effect.

Reference Vars:

  • uint16_t loopCount -- How many full wipe cycles we've done, useful for tracking wipes when looping.

  • uint16_t wipeLength -- The length of each wipe (set using setWipeLength()).

  • bool segMode -- (see segMode notes above) (set using setSegMode()).

  • uint16_t patOffset -- The current offset of the pattern. Used to shift the pattern colors. Only used when looping.


  • bool done -- Set true when the wipe cycle is finished. Not set if we're looping.
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