Built in Palettes - AlbertGBarber/PixelSpork GitHub Wiki

Pixel Spork includes a number of built-in palettes. You can use these palettes as you would any other. See Palette Basics for more on palettes.

Note that the colors swatches on this page may look different from the LED colors due to changes in brightness/contrast, etc.

Note that the built-in palettes are stored in paletteList.h in the library code.

Palette List:

Palette Name Palette Code Color Codes Description
Segment Set Default Gradient Palette segDefaultPal_PS
1e0fe6 00c800
The default palette for Segment Set custom gradient Color Modes (modes 6+).
Cyberpunk / Vaporwave cybPnkPal_PS
f000db ff9900 0bc4cf
Classic neon magenta-orange-teal cyberpunk/vaporwave palette.
Alt Cyberpunk cybPnkPalAlt_PS
f000db 0bc4cf 133dc9
Alternate cyber punk palette, uses bright magenta, bright teal, and medium blue.
Classic Fire firePal_PS
FF0000 FF8F00 FFFF64
Red/yellow fire palette for use with Fire2012 effects.
Pink/Purple Fire firePalPink_PS
e1007f 7b07c5 ee82ee
Pink/purple fire palette for use with Fire2012 effects.
Blue/Green Fire firePalBlue_PS
107c7e 2bd011 78d460
Blue/green fire palette for use with Fire2012 effects.
Classic Lava lavaPal_PS
8B0000 800000 FF0000 FFA500 f5ca0a
Lava palette used in the Lava effect, basically a blend from dark red to yellow.
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