Rockman ZX (JP) ROM map - AlaryVanEeckhout/Mega_Man_ZX_Editor GitHub Wiki

This is the list of(currently just graphics) addresses I found(and managed to identify at least a bit) using Crystaltile2 Reference for enemy and character names: Addresses are roughly 0x2CC00 before USA addresses

Address Description
00303A90 boss explosion effects?(GBA 8bpp)
003D91B4 area D switch and light beams in background(GBA 8bpp)
00420819 area D light beams in background(again, GBA 8bpp)
00479660 area M agitated pipes background(GBA 8bpp)
00496220 cyber elves(boss rush?, GBA 8bpp)
00589284 Start of dm23 credits text(GBA 4bpp)
00589724 "game unit"
0058C924 "animation unit"
0059A5FC "package unit"
00592F64 "sound unit"
00594224 "voice cast"
0059AD04 "publicity unit"
0059B7C4 "promotion unit"
0059BDC4 "quality management unit"
0059D204 "special thanks"
005F5BA8 area E tileset(GBA 8bpp)
006F5A48 subscreen UI(GBA 4bpp)
006F83A8 subscreen "R.O.C.K. SYSTEM"(GBA 4bpp)
00841B20 Area G tileset?
0085C860 Area G tileset2?
0085EFD8 Flames bg animation frame0
00904280 Start of g_back.bin (Save/Database menu, GBA 4bpp)
0094D3A0 Door Animals