ROM Hacking Notes - AlaryVanEeckhout/Mega_Man_ZX_Editor GitHub Wiki

Useful external tools for NDS ROM Hacking

Specs Info



  • Crystaltile2(Translation incomplete, can be unstable and crash at times, but still very much usable and extremely useful)
  • Tinke(old, no longer supported. more info on the linked page)


Info on file types

  • BIN: Binary file. Default file type. Used to store any kind of data(from code to graphics to dialogue text).
  • SDAT: Sound Data file. Can be opened with Crystaltile2 (or VGMTrans, apparently)
  • VX: movie file. Has not been decoded yet(this discussion and this discussion seem to be about as much as it is known on how the files work)

Mega Man ZX Advent only

  • NBFC: Nitro Basic File Character
  • NBFP: Nitro Basic File Palette
  • SRL: self-contained ROM. Contains ndsheader, arm9, arm7, bit-filled fnt, and banner.
  • AHX: audiovisual effect file.


The game contains files that are named after its areas(example: a01.bin for area A-1, l01.bin for area L-1, x02.bin for area X-2). Those files contain data that is directly related to the corresponding (sub) area(l01.bin contains graphics for stuff in L-1 and x02.bin contains the graphics for stuff in X-2). Most of that data, however, seems not to be graphical. It is therefore possible that the files contain the game's tile data for each room in the (sub) areas.
