Mega Man ZX (USA) ROM map - AlaryVanEeckhout/Mega_Man_ZX_Editor GitHub Wiki

This is the list of(mostly just graphics) addresses I found(and managed to identify at least a bit) using Crystaltile2 Reference for enemy and character names: Addresses are roughly 0x2CC00 after JP addresses

Address Description Additional Notes
00004000 Start of arm9.bin
0000C8A9 alignment when drawing scaled and rotated sprites 00=don't draw; 01=left align; 02=center align(normal); 03=additive left align; 04=additive center align;
0000EF89 npc ai related stuff 00=freak out when enemy killed; 20=enemies don't respawn(+some other side effects); 2c=normal; 80=crash when enemy in sight; ff=crash at intro cutscene;
0000F0F8 what should happen if player is paralyzed twice in a row 00=die; 5B=normal; 80=crash?; FF=receive knock back;
00014EA4 universal scale divider of 3d models(00 makes 3d models not display)
00016118 something to do with "Continue" option in title screen
0001F785 something to do with item count in pause menu's items screen
000466A8 00=If you go somewhere in area-H, you disappear???; A0=normal
00093400 Start of arm9 overlay table
00094400 Start of arm9 overlays
0014DE4B End of arm9 overlays
0014E000 arm7.bin
00176800 fnt.bin
00177A00 fat.bin
00178A00 banner.bin offset 0x20, GBA 4bpp, 32x32 pixels, image pattern=ObjH-1234
00179400 a01.bin data for area A-1
001BAA00 a02.bin data for area A-2
001F9A00 a03.bin data for area A-3
00218800 a04.bin data for area A-4
0022BC00 b01.bin data for area B-1
00268800 b02.bin data for area B-2
0029FA00 b03.bin data for area B-3
002D8A00 b04.bin data for area B-4
002FF000 bbom.bin
00301450 boss explosions
0032A000 boot.bin
0032C600 c01.bin data for area C-1
0035E800 c02.bin data for area C-2
00395600 c03.bin data for area C-3
003BEE00 d01.bin data for area D-1
003D9000 d02.bin data for area D-2
00408000 d03.bin data for area D-3
00420000 d04.bin data for area D-4
00447A00 d05.bin data for area D-5
00584A84 credits gfx GBA 4bpp
005C9E00 e01.bin data for area E-1
005EB000 e02.bin data for area E-2
00600A00 e03.bin data for area E-3
00618398 Area E tileset GBA 8bpp
00638A00 e04.bin data for area E-4
00661600 e05.bin data for area E-5
006A6800 e06.bin data for area E-6
006BB000 e07.bin data for area E-7
006FBC00 e08.bin data for area E-8
00718248 subscreen UI(JP) GBA 4bpp
00722A48 subscreen UI GBA 4bpp
00728688 subscreen "M.E.G.A. SYSTEM"
0072BC00 f01.bin data for area F-1
00758A00 f02.bin data for area F-2
00786000 f03.bin data for area F-3
007BDC00 f04.bin data for area F-4
007E0C00 f05.bin data for area F-5
007F9E00 face.bin Mugshots, GBA 8bpp, 6x7 images
007FA9E0 Dialogue mugshots GBA 8bpp
00863E00 ~ 864D48 Start of font_pal.bin English Font, NDS 1bpp, 8x16 pixels per tile
00864E00 g01.bin data for area G-1, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
0086E720 Area G tileset?
00889458 Area G tileset2?
0088BBD8 Flames bg animation frame0
0088FC18 Flames bg animation frame1
00893C58 Flames bg animation frame2
00897C98 Flames bg animation frame3
0089BCD8 Flames bg animation frame4
008A3000 g02.bin data for area G-2
008C2400 g03.bin data for area G-3, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
008D4F20 Flames bg animation frame0
008D8F60 Flames bg animation frame1
008DCFA0 Flames bg animation frame2
008E0FE0 Flames bg animation frame3
008E5020 Flames bg animation frame4
008EB400 g04.bin data for area G-4
008F7E00 g05.bin data for area G-5
00936C00 g_back_usa.bin Save menu, GBA 8bpp
0094CA00 g_over_usa.bin Game over, GBA 8bpp
0094CA84 "Retry Mission"(unselected)
0094D504 "GAME OVER"
0094DEC4 "Retry Mission"(selected)
0094E704 "Abort M"(Abort Mission, selected)
0094EC44 "Abort M"(Abort Mission, unselected)
0094F184 "Abort Quest"(selected)
0094F944 "Abort Quest"(unselected)
00950084 "Continue From Save Point"(selected)
00950C84 "Continue From Save Point"(unselected)
00951904 "Exit Game" (selected)
00952084 "Retry Quest" (selected)
00952744 "Exit Game" (unselected)
00952DC4 "Retry Quest" (unselected)
00953644 Game over background
0095E62C Unknown bold text with bars over and under(?) GBA 8bpp
00960A00 h01.bin data for area H-1
00981A00 h02.bin data for area H-2
0098FFA0 Security door animals
00992E00 h03.bin data for area H-3
009AF800 h04.bin data for area H-4
009C8000 i01.bin data for area I-1
00A19400 i02.bin data for area I-2
00A52000 i03.bin data for area I-3
00A8D400 i04.bin data for area I-4
00AB6600 i05.bin data for area I-5
00AFB600 j01.bin data for area J-1
00B14A00 j02.bin data for area J-2
00B55400 j03.bin data for area J-3
00B8E000 j04.bin data for area J-4, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
00BA2230 Meteor with tentacles???
00BB8A00 j05.bin data for area J-5
00BD7000 k01.bin data for area K-1
00C13600 k02.bin data for area K-2, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
00C18BB4 Lava?
00C1DC00 k03.bin data for area K-3, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
00C39978 Lava animations part2?
00C3EB78 Lava with walls? + containers
00C43600 k04.bin data for area K-4
00C85800 k05.bin data for area K-5
00C9F600 l01.bin data for area L-1, contains GBA 8bpp Graphics
00CC00EC Slither Inc. Sphenalauncher spawner
00CEFC00 l02.bin data for area L-2
00D1D800 l03.bin data for area L-3
00D39600 l04.bin data for area L-4
00D6B400 Start of lmlevel.bin
00D6B424 "Lv 1 2 3 4 VICTORY!" GBA 8bpp, tile width 4
00D6F000 Start of lmlevel_usa.bin
00D6F024 "Lv 1 2 3 4 VICTORY!" GBA 8bpp, tile width 4
00D72C00 m01.bin data for area M-1
00DA8800 m02.bin data for area M-2
00DD4600 m03.bin data for area M-3
00E03600 Start of miss.bin
00E03630 Area/Mission select menu GBA 8bpp
00E08800 Start of miss_usa.bin
00E08830 Area/Mission select menu GBA 8bpp
00E0DA00 model.bin The game's 3d models(unused)
00E0DA18 z_ring00_01_bmerge6 possibly the ring with "X" on it in title screen
00E114B8 z_ring00_01_bmerge7 possibly the ring with "Z" on it in title screen
00E15334 z_ring00_01_yajirusi00 arrows in the title screen cutscene(yajirusi means arrow)
00E16200 n01.bin data for area N-1
00E4DC00 o01.bin data for area O-1
00E5F1D0 background effects(?) and explosions/smoke
00E69400 o02.bin data for area O-2
00F09004 Start of obj_fnt.bin Sprites&Background, mostly GBA 4bpp
00F09818 Common Sprites, generic explosion GBA 8bpp
00F0C818 Dash effect GBA 8bpp
00F0DA18 entering water effect? GBA 8bpp
00F0E218 small dust effect? GBA 8bpp
00F0F318 emotion bubbles GBA 8bpp
00F0FB18 Mission icon(Giro Express logo) GBA 8bpp
00F11D18 Generic enemy/player projectile GBA 8bpp
00F1246C Common sprites 2?
00F13440 Model Z(boss) slashes
00F14394 Model Z(boss) projectiles
00F151E8 Eyeballoon
00F1815C Crickaleap
00F18FB0 Galleon Hunter
00F1D1F8 Presto Cannon
00F200EC Tornado Fencer
00F22140 Sphenalauncher's missiles
00F22E74 Area H smoke?
00F23DC8 Cutting Gyro
00F2541C Auto Counter ECO
00F272F0 Mechadragon
00F27AC4 box getting destroyed
00F28418 Model Fx one-use gate buttons
00F28A0C Giga Aspis's body fragments
00F2B480 Giga Aspis's tail spike GBA 8bpp
00F2C4B4 Rocks and bubbles
00F2D17C Platform
00F2E6B0 Area E electric barrier wheel
00F310EC Background ship parts?
00F323A0 Chain Anchor
00F331F4 Mechanism of some sort. might be related to Rayfly
00F34028 Rayfly's containers
00F3609C Rayfly's destructible containers
00F368F0 Galleon Sledder thrusters and projectiles
00F391E4 Big rock and weird shapes and particles
00F3A4B8 Bee Rockets
00F3D0E0 Burnable spiky plant obstacle GBA 8bpp
00F3D914 Cat GBA 8bpp
00F3E6D8 Broken pipes(?)
00F3FD6C Small rock?
00F40040 Common destructible block(4x4 images)
00F40814 Area-G Fire
00F41768 King Flyer's right(front) propeller
00F4305C King Flyer's left(back) propeller
00F448B0 Fly Chopper
00F45804 Smoke ball?
00F46958 Hivolt hands
00F4832C Hivolt attacks
00F4C300 Circles(???)
00F4D254 Tentalamia attacks(yellow tentacle and red tentacle)
00F4FD08 Tentalamia attacks(blue tentacle and Bora Bora)
00F510DC Tentalamia projectiles
00F52E10 Tentalamia's tentacle body fragments
00F53344 Elevator
00F54798 Launch pod?
00F55728 "MISSION FAILED" Each letter is only present once
00F56248 "MISSION START" Each letter is only present once
00F56B68 "GAME OVER" Each letter is only present once
00F57688 "MISSION COMPLETE" Each letter is only present once
00F584DC AREA text
00F5B55C Disk numbers/letters
00F5BA90 Omega projectiles?
00F5DD64 Rocks
00F5E0B8 Omega's charge particles?
00F5E98C Basic item set
00F5FD60 Protectos missile
00F60F34 Protectos explosions/bombs
00F67D88 Hover Cannon + projectiles
00F6A75C Rocks(?) GBA 8bpp
00F6B010 Rocks(?)2 GBA 8bpp
00F6DB6C Mini Mettaur and Remettaur
00F6EB60 Pattrolaur
00F704B4 Warp Prism
00F73A30 Rock tile?
00F73BE4 witch doll
00F73E38 Pause menu graphics
00F75C54 Pause menu elements and weapons
00F77BB0 Marine General
00F807BC Revolver lobster enemy
00F84C58 Exploding hopper enemy
00F86D80 Valkyraffe
00F94C0C Model P first boss bomb
00F98050 Area-H train
00F9AD58 Popcornthrower enemy
00F9C9E0 Model L first boss part
00FA1D9C Bursting lava
00FAFD54 Big sphere
00FC76A8 Turret platform
00FC877C Underwater turret mgoon
00FCAD70 Model P second boss bomb
00FCCAE4 Maverick goon(rlauncher)
00FCEE8C Electric capsule enemy
00FCFF60 Turtle enemy
00FD2D28 Mouse enemy
00FD50DC Bat enemy
00FD72E4 "MEGA MAN"(title screen) GBA 8bpp
00FD944C Possibly title screen related
00FDBE0C Title screen menus
00FDE460 Title screen cursor
00FDEA14 Electric Dart carapace
00FE16E8 Electric Dart
00FE373C Galleon Wing
00FE4610 Lurerre missile
00FE4F64 Ladder
00FE5B38 Prometheus aura
00FE6878 Prometheus's skulls
00FE7A98 Prometheus's orbs
00FE80F8 Prometheus spike rays
00FE8D38 Prometheus spikes(vertical)
00FE9AD8 Prometheus spikes(horizontal)
00FEA998 Prometheus spikes2(vertical)
00FEB458 Prometheus spikes2(horizontal)
00FEC318 Prometheus fire
00FEDBB0 Prometheus slashes
00FF0124 Orehawk
00FF46F8 Orehawk projectile?
00FF4C6C Steephinx
00FFA934 Diadrake
00FFDF88 Diadrake projectiles?
01009CD0 Serpent (2nd form)
0100B304 Model W Core
0101DD1C Chips
01014E04 Wheel enemy
0102A400 Circus lamp
0102E604 Circus toy grabber
01031604 Minigame diamond
0103E484 Guardian soldier
01043150 Serpent
010770D0 Model Fx bulletedit
0107AE04 save data text
0107E418 Model Zx(tripleslash)
01088F20 Model Hx enemy radar gfx
01089194 Biometel Model W
010A68F0 Model Fx bullet edittext
010A79E4 Pause menu selectable UI and health
010A99C8 X/Zx projectiles
010ABB08 Zx slashes
010C51B8 Hx slashes
010D88B0 Lx slashes
010F2578 Ox slashes
0110FD04 Model select Blogo
011104D4 Biometal
01112FF8 Vent
0112EA04 Aile
01149B44 Model X
0116BAA4 table of some kind
0116C204 Model Zx
011A3624 Model Hx
011C0A04 Model Lx
011D3C04 Model Hx
01219C04 Model Lx(Part2)
012471EC Model Px
01267370 Px attack animations
01279D2C Model Ox
0129A20C Model Ox attack animations
012BD754 Weapon charge particles
012BEB5C Weapon charge particles(secondary)
012BF390 Dash "sonic" effect
012BF864 cyber-elf trail
012C0098 cyber-elf
012C06BC transform aura(Vent)
012C1B40 transform aura(Aile)
012C2FB8 transform aura(Model X)
012C6164 transform aura(Model Zx)
012C941C transform aura(Model Hx)
012CC5C8 transform aura(Model Fx)
012CF894 transform aura(Model Lx)
012D2CC0 transform aura(Model Px)
012D5FCC transform aura(Model Ox)
012D9348 Model Z
012F238C Model Z's slashes
012FC1AC Sphenalauncher
013014E0 Crushpactor's upper body
0130313C Crushpactor's lower body + wheels
013073E4 Crushpactor's spiked roller + mechanical arm
0131193C Crushpactor's mechanical arm(part2)
013128F8 Crushpactor's lower body + wheels(part2)
01313594 Crushpactor's laser cannon
01314628 Crushpactor's laser cannon(destroyed)
013148AC Crushpactor's laser 8x8 images
0131F0FC Model Fx gate
01323124 City truck
01323E6C Giga Aspis's head part
01326138 Lava Demon's upper body 8x8 images
01336378 Lava Demon's spawning laser
01338FB8 Lava Demon's lava animations
013501A8 Lava Demon's lower body
0135F9F8 Galleon Hunter's body
0135FFD8 Galleon Hunter's head
013607BC Lava Demon's lava animations(part2)
01369984 King Flyer's body and head
0136E0F8 Hivolt's body animations
013736B8 Hivolt's dash animation
01379338 Hivolt's slashes
013887B8 Hivolt's lasers from above body animation
01392778 Hivolt's silhouette
01394458 Omega
013A92D4 Omega's slashes
013B41F8 Health bars + icons
013B6608 pipes tileset? GBA 8bpp
013BA0D0 wall tileset? GBA 8bpp
013BEF18 Area-G and Area-I doors GBA 8bpp
013C53C0 Protectos
013E819F default type door(background) GBA 8bpp
013EB3B4 drill + big propulsion effect
013EC198 Transerver computer
013F41DC Transerver teleporter
01408218 Transerver computer teleport animation???
01413964 Fistleo
014363CC Frostybear
01442BD4 Powmettaur
01445834 Powmettaur's intro animation
01445F44 Hurricaune
01469F00 Hurricaune's projectiles
0146F50C Purprill
0148FDCC Purprill's spinning animation
01495EB0 Purprill's bomb
01496250 explosion of Purprill's bomb 8x8 image
0149C198 Giro
014A0538 Giro's Cyber-elf?
014A0758 Giro's Cyber-elf-to-humanoid transformation
014A1CF8 Giro's Cyber-elf trail
014A2018 Giro ducking under his bike and watching Vent/Aile fall
014A2C1C Intro cutscene birds
014A39DC Prairie
014A91FC Prairie's Stuffed animal
014AA090 Giro and Vent/Aile's bike, respectively Giro's bike is in one piece, while the player's bike is in multiple chunks. This is probably due to the player's bike having an explosion animation, contrarily to Giro's bike.
014AAE04 Biometal Model X
014AE6F4 Carrelet
014AE954 Thon
014AEDF4 Congre
014AF574 Hareng
014AF814 Scombrésoce
014AFAB4 Truite
014B0414 Sardine
014B13F0 Fleuve
014B32B0 Serpent(1st form)(8x8 tiles)
014DB54C Leganchor's face
014E237C Prometheus(Boss)
014FB6F4 Heat Face
01502210 Lurrere's fish part
0150F004 Pandora
01514C04 Biometal Model Z+H
01518604 Biometal Model P+H
01574404 Pandora(Boss)
015B6004 Model Fx(ladder+shootup)
015C3404 Pandora projectiles
015C73C4 End of obj_fnt.bin
02162400 Start of sub_usa.bin GBA 8bpp
0216269C Pause menu graphics
0217C4BC Vent pause menu mugshots
02195200 t01.bin
02195C00 Start of dialogue files
02230681 End of dialogue files
02230800 title.bin GBA 8bpp
022410E4 Vent/aile Model Zx (title screen cutscene)
02248EE4 Title screen cutscene Vent & aile Model X
02251024 Title screen Vent/aile Model Zx
0225CD64 Character select Vent and Aile
02279600 title_usa.bin GBA 8bpp
02287ED4 Vent/aile Model Zx (title screen cutscene)
0228FCD4 Title screen cutscene Vent & aile Model X
02297E14 Title screen Vent/aile Model Zx image 32x24 tiles of 8 pixels
022A3E14 Character select Vent and Aile
022C0E00 x01.bin data for area X-1
02300400 x02.bin data for area X-2
0231C990 Grand Nuage cockpit holographic computers
02321000 x03.bin data for area X-3
02348000 z01.bin data for transerver "area"?
0235B000 z02.bin data for boss rush "area"?
0236C804 cyber-elf graphics
0237CC00 Start of VX files
02BAD2B4 End of VX files End of used ROM. What comes after is free space.
04000000 End of ROM This address is outside of ROM