Mega Man ZX (USA) RAM map - AlaryVanEeckhout/Mega_Man_ZX_Editor GitHub Wiki

Here is the map of any useful RAM addresses I(or other people) found.(WIP) A lot of the RAM addresses were found in this model adjustment lua script(not made by me).

Address Description Additional notes
0x0202261C Start x pos
0x020DE7C6 Model X color palette
0x020F5C4A current model color palette starts on first non-transparent color
0x020F73AC definite model model equipped; values are same as model
0x021045D2 obtained models 00 = hu + x; +00000001 = zx; +00000002 = hx; +00000008 = lx; +00000020 = fx; +00000080 = px; +00000200 = hx; +00000800 = lx; +00002000 = fx; +00008000 = px; +00020000 = ox; +00080000 = hu;
0x02108228 current (sub)area id 46=transerver room; 47=boss rush
0x0214F62C camera x center of screen
0x0214F630 camera y center of screen
0x0214FB12 player direction 8F for left and 9F for right; like for the other two direction values, pressing directionnal button will reset direction while pressed.
0x0214FB19 grounded state 0=ground, 1=air, 2=wall
0x0214FB1A jump state 00=idle, 01=jumping/sliding/walking, 02=falling/walljumping/dashing (probably used in-game for wether or not you can jump again)
0x0214FB1B jump state1 00=jumping/sliding, 01=falling/walljumping, 02=walk, 03=landing, 0A=idle
0x0214FB5A player gfx direction 00 for left and 10 for right
0x0214FB5C player gfx offset direction 00 for left and 01 for right
0x0214FB64 sub x position/wall indicator 1 byte
0x0214FB65 x pos 3 bytes
0x0214FB68 sub y position/floor & ceiling indicator 1 byte
0x0214FB69 y pos 3 bytes
0x0214FB6D x vel
0x0214FB71 y vel
0x0214FB72 y vel is going up 1
0x0214FB73 y vel is going up 2
0x0214FB80 animation animation id
0x0214FB81 animation frame current frame of animation
0x0214FB82 animation frame timer how many frames until next animation frame
0x0214FBB2 player hp(read?) changing this value will update your health accordingly; max value is 1C
0x0214FC5E room transition related
0x0214FC62 room transition related
0x0214FC70 amount of Energy-Crystals 3 bytes; 9F 86 01 is 99999 EC(max value)
0x0214FC79 subtank 1 hp max value is 1E
0x0214FC7A subtank 2 hp
0x0214FC7B subtank 3 hp
0x0214FC7C subtank 4 hp
0x0214FCC8 current in-game input(action) excludes transform and overdrive; updates only if in a game state where you can see your character; +01=up; +02=down; +04=left; +08=right; +10=main weapon; +20=sub weapon; +40=jump; +80=dash
0x0214FCC9 current in-game input(action) only transform and overdrive; updates only if in a game state where you can see your character; +01=transform; +02=overdrive
0x0214FCD9 current in-game input(action) only transform, overdrive and attacks; updates only if in a game state where you can see your character; +01=transform; +02=overdrive; +04=main weapon; +08=sub weapon
0x0214FBC6 current horizontal room screen ?
0x0214FBD2 far from higher ceiling 00 when player touches ceiling, 01 else
0x0214FC2D overdrive 0x40 normal; +1=overdrive active; +2=last attack was during overdrive; +8=is falling since last transform; +20=dead;
0x0214FC2F air/water dash/ceiling grab state/room transition fade in indicator 00=normal; +04=hx no airdash; 04=px ceiling grab/fade in; 08=hx horizontal/px ledge grab; 10=hx vertical/lx dash; 20=hx hover
0x0214FC30 dash/wallkick frames remaining
0x0214FC36 last ability id Refers to the current attack id. refreshes each time you use an "ability". Changes to FF if tranforms to Hu
0x0214FC37 attack endlag Is used for dash-slash and shots
0x0214FC38 main charge charge time indicator (stops at max charge level, 0x60)
0x0214FC39 sub charge charge time indicator (stops at max charge level, 0x60)
0x0214FC48 action id
0x0214FC74 model model selected; 0=hu, 1=x, 2=zx, 3=hx, 4=fx, 5=lx, 6=px, 7=ox
0x0214FC80 weapon bindings each word is each model's set of weapons(main and sub) ending with OX at EN:0214FC8F. Hu:00, X:01, ZX-saber:02, ZX-buster:03, HX-slash:04, HX-slice:05, FX-left:06, FX-right:07, LX:08, PX:09, OX-saber:0A, OX-buster:0B NOTE: it seems to be impossible to give a model a weapon from another one, as it will act as no weapon is used(even if you trade zx buster for ox buster). Although, doing that with models that have one weapon will give them the option of having their weapon unequipped. If you give only one weapon to a model having two weapons, it'll work, but you can't charge attack with your sub weapon button
0x0214FC95 HX WE
0x0214FC96 FX WE
0x0214FC97 LX WE
0x0214FC98 PX WE
0x0214FCAC equipped chips
0x0214FCB8 control bindings each word is a button starting here ending with overdrive at EN:0214FCC2: main, sub, jump, dash, transform, overdrive. buttons: A:0001, B:0002, R:0100, L:0200, X:0400, Y:0800
0x0214FCC4 control type 0 type A, 1 type B, 2 custom
0x0214FCE3 second counter only active if in a game state where you can see your character
0x0214FD3C jump state2 01 is on ground
0x0214FD3E ceiling touched 01 when touched, 0x81 when 'special' ceiling touched, 00 else
0x0214FD44 jump state3 same behavior as above but becomes 0B instead of 01
0x0214FD46 ceiling touched1 same behavior as ceiling touched but becomes 02 instead of 01
0x0214FE0A PX num kunai in last
0x021501E4 boss hp(write) does not change hp if overwritten
0x02150270 player hp when unpaused does not change hp if overwritten
0x02150271 current model WE
0x02150275 current model WE cap
0x021506F4 LX sled 3 vel
0x021507C4 LX sled 2 vel
0x02150894 LX sled 1 vel
0x0215109E attack priority
0x021510AA boss hp(read)
0x0215921D final attack slot primary was "active" but realized it only applies to 1 at a time
0x02159226 final attack slot active if val modulus 0x10 == 0xF then active (unless 8F?), otherwise 0xA
0x02159231 final attack slot attack id
0x02159248 final attack slot angle
0x02159278 final attack slot x 4 bytes
0x0215927C final attack slot y
0x02159282 final attack slot direction 06 left and 07 right or 4 and 5 ???
0x02159295 final attack slot anim frame
0x021592CE final attack slot overdrive
0x021592D0 final attack slot element
0x021592D1 final attack correct slot x is 0xFF when correct slot x pos and 0x50 when it's player x pos instead
0x021592D2 is 0x08 when correct slot x pos and 0x5C when it's player x pos instead
0x0215F01D pause menu page 0 thru 4 starting at main
0x021602B7 is model X available(changes on death only;00 = no 80 = yes)
0x0216047E room transition related
0x02160482 room transition related
0x02160494 Model when entering room
0x0216055D time between first and last room transitions?
0x0218BA1C PX kunai angles
0x22160484 current (sub)area id updates first; 46=transerver room; 47=boss rush