Week 2 ‐ Interfacing OV7670 Camera Module with Arduino - AkinduID/Face-Tracking-WebCam GitHub Wiki


  • interface OV7670 Camera Module with arduino and achive the basic functionality of the camera


  • Arduino Uno R3
  • OV7670 Camera Module
  • 10k Resisot x2
  • 1k Resistor
  • 680 Ohm Resistor


Part 1

Necessary connections to get the camera running and configured by the Arduino.

Part 2

connecting pixel data inputs. Pixels are streamed from the camera one byte at a time. Each pixel consists of two bytes that are read sequentially.


Uploaded a code to get the camera feed to plugin which was featured on a tutorial and the video stream did not get captured well due to using outdated libraries of the pulgin

Next Steps

  • Using an ESP32 Board to get a video stream to the web browser via WiFi
  • Pausing Option 5 and start Option 4
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