Home - AidanTek/creativeprogrammingarduino GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Creative Programming with Arduino wiki!

Arduino Uno

Image from arduino.cc

This wiki is to be used as part of the Creative Programming with Arduino workshop. The workshop is designed to give people with little to no electronics or programming experience a running start! Not everything can be covered but we will use basic commands and devices to tackle some advanced concepts in programming, and hopefully it will be fun!

Activities will include using the Arduino to control programmable LEDs, get input from basic control hardware and getting data from a digital sensor.

All of the information provided here is free to use as you wish. All code is provided under the open source GPLv3 License, external libraries are all open source and provided under license as described in the provided examples.

I have avoided putting print commands in the code examples for the most part to avoid the code being convoluted and difficult to read. There are of course plenty of comments within each example.

What you need for the workshop:

(Links are provided as examples)

This Wiki is broken up into sections based on the topics covered in the workshop. You can navigate to these sections by following the links below.