Reply Bot (Feature) - greatbritdan/AidanBot GitHub Wiki

Replybot is a custom made chatbot where you can talk to AidanBot. While not great it has a lot of depth, he can have a mood, he stores a bit of context like who he's talking to and the times of last events like when someone sent a message. As well as having a decent range of responses.

Replybot commands

By starting a message with "replybot" you can change some settings or get some info about it.

  • "replybot list": returns a list of replybot commands.
  • "replybot info": returns info about replybot
  • "replybot print": returns data about replybot, like all his values and current version.
  • "replybot listmoods": returns a list of all the moods replybot can have. (As of V1 there are 4, happy, neutral, sad and angry)
  • "replybot changemood ": sets the current mood to one of the valid options seen above.
  • "replybot resetmood": resets the mood to false, this means he'll pick a new, random one when he talks again.
  • "replybot changefocus <user_id>": sets the current focus to the user with the given id, they must be in the server.
  • "replybot resetfocus": resets the focus to false, this means he'll talk to anyone without getting mad.

Config values

  • replybot_channel: A channel/list of channels where Aidanbot can talk
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