Opinion ask (Command) - greatbritdan/AidanBot GitHub Wiki

Opinion ask allows you to ask AidanBot questions to varying degrees of success.

Here is a list of all the ways he can respond:

  • Starting with 'How many' will respond with a random number, for example 'My stupid heart tells me at least 16'
  • Starting with 'Why' will respond with a random excuse, for example 'I did no such thing.'
  • Starting with 'Where' will respond with a random location, for example 'Uhhhhh, the middle of the ocean.'
  • Starting with 'When' will respond with a random time, for example '07/06/2082 03:27 AM'
  • Anything else will respond with a random phrase that may or may not make sense, for example 'Actually. absolutely not!'

How To Run

Opinion ask has 1 argument:

  • question is what you want to ask him

/opinion ask [question]