Config user (Command) - greatbritdan/AidanBot GitHub Wiki

Config is a set of commands that allow you to modify the functionality of AidanBot. Config user allows you to modify values specific to yourself and your account, for a full list check User config

How To Run

Config user has 3 arguments:

  • action is the type of action, each one has different uses.
    • List - Lists all the values for you and their current value.
    • Set - Sets the content of a value, requires the name and value arguments.
    • Reset - Resets the content of a value, requires the name.
    • Info - Returns info about a value, lie its description, default value and an example, requires the name.
    • Getraw - More of a debug feature, returns the raw content of a value (no formatting for channel/role), requires the name.
  • name is the name of the config value you want to edit/view.
  • value is the new content for the value.

/config user [action] [*name] [*value]