Adding AidanBot (AidanBot Tutorial #2) - greatbritdan/AidanBot GitHub Wiki

Now you've decided that AidanBot would be a good fit on your server you need to add him.

Setup before adding

Firstly make sure to read AidanBot's terms of service for owners found here.

Then make sure you have the correct permissions to add him:

  • If you are the server owner then you don't need to worry, you always have permission to add him.
  • If you are a mod or admin make sure you have either the manage_server permission or the administrator permission. These are required for a user to add a bot to the server. If you don't try asking a higher-up or the owner.

Adding him to the server

  1. Open his invite link, you can find it on his profile, just click "Add to server".
  2. You'll get a screen asking if you'd like to add him to a server, make sure that server it selected it the one you want to add it too. You may also be prompted to confirm you're not a robot.
  3. Once you click "Continue" he'll be added to the server!

Review permissions

AidanBot does not require any dangerous permissions so make sure that they're off if you want protection! If you have a bot role that uses administrator to give all perms I highly recommend not doing it. Here are all the permissions AidanBot needs and which he doesn't need but can have (disabling these disable some functionality) You can also find these in /info


(If you see a * it means other permissions that can be disabled require it.

read_messages:            Needed to send messages for commands. (duh)
manage_webhooks:          Needed to send messages as users for things like /clone* and nitron't*,
send_messages:            Needed to send messages for commands. (duh)
send_messages_in_threads: Needed to send messages for commands in threads, this can technically be disabled if you have threads disabled everywhere but 
                          if you ever do make any it could error him.
embed_links:              Needed to embed links in /echo and /issue.
external_emojis:          Needed to send private emojis for several commands including /opinion and /games, as well as nitron't*.
external_stickers:        Needed to send private stickers for nitron't*.
read_message_history:     Needed to see past messages for /userinfo.


manage_roles:     If disabled /role and birthday_role will no longer be available.
manage_guild:     If disabled guild invites wont be ignored if remove_invites is enabled.
mention_everyone: If disabled qotd_role will not ping users.
attach_files:     If disabled /echo, /clone and nitron't will not have attachment support.
manage_messages:  If disabled remove invites and nitron't won't be available.

All other permissions are not required anywhere, please disable them!