Rigid Flex PCB - Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-v4 GitHub Wiki
PCB Overview
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to perform any solder rework on this board, it must be baked at 120 degrees C for at least 2 hours before hand. The flex layers draw in moisture from the air and if not baked to remove this moisture, the internal layers of the PCB can become delaminated when rapidly heated.
The V4 Miniscope electronics are all housed on a single Rigid-Flex PCB. KiCad, BOM, gerber, step, and Pick and Place files for this board (and individual V4 Miniscope development boards) can be found on this repository. The Rigid-Flex PCB has the following fabrication specs:
- Total layers: 6
- Flex layers: 2 (layers 3 and 4)
- Size: 22mm x 50.5mm
- Overall PCB thickness: ~0.8mm
- FlexPC thickness: ~0.15mm
- Trace/space: 4/4mil
- Via drill/pad: 0.15mm/0.35mm (all through-hole)
- Via-in-pad: Yes. All vias need to be filled and capped
- Surface Finish: ENIG
- Flex outline is on "Edge_Cuts" gerber
- Rigid outline is on "Eco1_User" gerber
- Bottom flexPC solder mask is on "Eco2_User" gerber
The board contains the following
PCB Components
For information about programming the microcontroller, visit the MCU Programming page.