zzPatients - Afronomical/Producing-Games-24 GitHub Wiki
Early Content
This is rushed documentation, and as such focuses purely on the most basic aspects of the patient behaviour, and seeks to set out proper methods of communicating about the patients more than anything
Patient Stats
Patients may eventually have many stats tied to them, but right now each patient will have a unique name, and a personal health stat, both starting at and being capped at 20, with no current lower limit.
Patient Types
Each patient also has a type: possesed, calm, angry, scared. These limit the states that they could go into. For example: one state the patients can go into is prayer. However, the possesed type cannot go into the prayer state. Another state could be hiding, however the calm patients cannot hide.
Patient States
State Name | Behaviour | Triggers | Ending | Unavailable types |
Wandering | Moving almost randomly, and very slowly, avoiding objects or walls | The wandering event listed in Sim | The player interacting with the patient | None |
Escorted | Moving back to their room, moving at the player walk speed, avoiding objects or walls | The player bringing the patient out of wandering state | Either getting back to there bed, or being left by the player | None |
Abandonded | Standing still in place | The player leaving a specific radius around them while they were being escorted | The player reentering their radius, which sets them back to escorted, or the night ending, setting them back to wandering | None |
In Bed | Lying in bed, doing nothing | The game beginning, or them reaching their bed while being escorted | The wandering event, dying | None |
Dead | The patient is not interactible, but is still in the bed, limp | Heart attack | None | Possesed |
Prayer | The patient is in a random location from a location table | Listed in Sim | Location dependant, if in their room, ending is joining them in prayer, setting them back to in bed state, if out of room, the ending is prayer, setting them to Escorted state | Possesed |
Hiding | The patient is hiding in a random location from a table | Listed in sim | Finding the patient sets them to escorted | Calm |
Hungry | The patient is in the kitchen | Listed in sim | Player interacting with the patient sets them to escorted | Scared |
Request Medication | The patient asks for more medication, and refuses any other interaction | Listed in Sim | Player gives them any medication | Angry |
Where the chances are listed: https://github.com/Afronomical/Producing-Games-24/wiki/Sim-Elements#random-tasks
Patient State System
For the purposes of this table being implemented, a suitable patient state system needs to be implemented. This system needs to be capable of holding any of the above states and more.