Implemented Mechanics‐Programmers - Afronomical/Producing-Games-24 GitHub Wiki
Current Implemented Mechanics
(Updated to Week 5 Prototype)
Basic player movement system. Player is able to move in all directions.
The player is able to perform a basic jump.
The player can crouch with limited/slower movement.
The player can sprint.
Player camera movement. Player is able to look around.
Head bob. As the player moves, the camera starts to sway slightly.
The player is equipped with a torch. Can adjust the torch brightness up to 3 levels and disable it.
Player is able to interact with objects and AI.
Key interaction is implemented. The player is able to use key(s) that can both unlock and lock doors, provided the correct key is being used.
Consumables have been implemented in the game. Currently, these consumables consist of pills that when picked up and consumed, the player can attain certain effects. The effects the player receives depends on the the pill consumed (based on the colour of the pills picked up).
CCTV Camera system is implemented. There are a number of CCTV's added within the level and currently one screen to view CCTV footage which is located in the main/beginning room.
Player interaction. The player can pick up items as well as drop them at any time. Only select objects/items are interactable.
Inventory system and interface. The player can view what items have been picked up and through this, can drop items acquired.
Hourly task system. Using the tab key, the player can view the current time of day.
A list of task is implemented Using the 'T' key. The player can view a checklist of current available tasks. Currently only medicine and injection is added.
Hiding has been implemented. The player is able to hide inside objects from demons and can exit from hiding spots. Currently, cupboards are added for the player to hide.
Peeking through windows. The player can peek through a window, the camera adjusts the view accordingly and the player can exit this state when interacted with again.
The game features support for controller.
Main menu is added when starting up the game.
Can pause during gameplay.
Currently there are 2 AI within the game.
Each AI have their own states which include; Wandering, escort, abandoned, dead and in bed.
AI does wander and enters the escort state when the player interacts with them.
The AI "eyes" turns red (Indicating the dead state)
State machine system is implemented. Allows the player input to be detected and perform actions and enter different states.
Save system. Allows the game to be saved to continue progress.
Load system. Allows the game to continue previous progress.
HDRP (High Definition Render Pipeline) is implemented.