GDD - Afronomical/Producing-Games-24 GitHub Wiki


Table of Contents

  • Concept

  • Gameplay Mechanics

  • Controls

  • Level Design

  • Art

  • Audio

  • UI Design

  • Additional Notes




Gameplay rules

Gameplay Loop

  1. care for patient - finding and giving medicine

  2. hide from demon - after certain amount of time patient goes into rage mode each demon has different behaviour (but not too different) change in display/cue to show that player has left sim mode and entered stealth mode

  3. Identify the demon- use clues left from patients and the demon to find out what demon is active.

  4. exorcise demon - find the items that relate to the assigned demon and bring them to the altar and interact into the locations around the altar, interact with the altar to exorcise them.

Player Flow Game Walkthrough

Start in the study, Pick up clipboard and the first door opens go through the chapel into the corridor, follow down into basement collect medicine (from random location) and bring to patient and give it to them go back to chapel and collect exorcism item (from random location) bring to altar and commit exorcism

Stretch Goals - identification of demon/patient, extended sim mechanics, keys and doors,



Gameplay Mechanics

Control Scheme

Player Controls:

Control Keyboard Keybind Alt Keyboard Keybind Controller Keybind [XB/PS]
Move WASD Arrow Keys Left Stick
Look Mouse Right Stick
Sprint L Shift LSB/L3
Crouch L Ctrl B/◯
Interact E A/X
Use Item LMB Y/△
Flashlight RMB X/▢
Hotbar Mouse Scroll 1, 2, 3, 4 LB/RB / L1/R1
Pager Q [Hold] LT/L2 [Hold]
Clipboard F [Hold] RT/R2 [Hold]
Clipboard Page Mouse Scroll [when clipboard active] D-Pad Left/Right
Pause Esc Start/Options [Right Centre]

UI Controls:

Control Keyboard Keybind Alt Keyboard Keybind Controller Keybind [XB/PS]
Move in UI Mouse Left Stick
Accept LMB Enter A/X
Back Backspace Tab B/◯

Interacting with the world includes:

  • Pick up objects
  • Open Doors
  • Peek through windows
  • Interact with computers in the office
  • Interact with nurse sim elements (cardiograms and the like)
  • Hide in hiding place

Gameplay mechanics

Hour Cycle

The game is delineated into specific chunks, refered to in game as "rounds", or "shifts". These rounds and shifts occur on an hourly basis. The shift doesn't take up the entire hour, and only lasts ten minutes both in game time and in our time. The rounds begin at the beginning of the hour, every hour, and are structured like this because wandering the halls for too long risks angering the demon. Each round is divided into a few chunks of gameplay, although the player won't be directly drawn to the seperations between these, although they are likely to notice them.

Start Of Shift

The shifts start with the player in the study. The timer hasn't started at this point, and the player has access to the computer, to buy items from the shop, and to check the CCTV cameras (although the specifics of the Cameras haven't been decided fully yet, and will be covered somewhere else.) The player can use this time to strategise, and will also get information about any patient who has wandered off from their room at this time on their pager. This is the down period for the player, and a calm in the gameplay. Any items they buy during this time will be spawned in the level in random locations.

Shift Proper

This is most of the game play, and starts as soon as the player leaves the office. They then have ten minutes (Open to rebalancing) to complete all their tasks, find any random tasks, and try and find clues about the demon and possesed patient. At any point, they can interact with the study door to immediately end the shift, and be in safety, but they have no safe space without this (there are plans to implement a difficulty option to allow the player access to the study as a safe room during the level, but that will be covered elsewhere). This provides the player with an option to end the shift early, avoiding danger, but risking their tasks, furthering the players incentive to get all their tasks done as fast as possible to gain access to safety again. If the player runs out their timer, the player will enter a time period here refered to as the "shift end". Throughout the shift proper, some events may be tied to time, so whatever mechanism tracks the time passing needs to be accessible from anywhere if possible.

Shift End

This occurs if the player runs out the timer in the shift proper. During the shift end, the demon enters rage mode, and the dead patients do too. There may be changes to the states of these entities as they enter this mode, like the entities knowing where the player is by default, but that is a matter of balancing. The other main change is that all the patients doors will lock automatically as soon as the player is out of all of the rooms, and the tasks will no longer be completable. There is no benefit to the player of hitting this mode other than the chance to figure out what patient is possesed. The way to leave this state is to get to the study.

Study Door

This is not really a phase, but when the player confirms they want to end their shift at the study door, this is when the game updates the sanity system, and then the hour system, to update game data, and trigger any events for the next hour. This should either not be a loading screen, or it should be the only loading screen in the game, but either way the behind the scene triggers need to happen here and be modular from any of the rest of these phases, so that if we need to we could move it somewhere else, or have alternate triggers for it.


This is similar to the Study Door phase, and could possibly be the same thing, if that makes more sense. When the player is captured by the demon, they should have the round ended immediately, and while they shouldn't get any time in the study, the sanity system, and then hour system needs to be updated, as well as a heart attack roll being made against each patient to see if you killed one of them.

Sim Mechanics

Checklist of hourly tasks - these are stored on a clipboard the character must check to make sure they complete their tasks- these tasks will range from checking vitals, administering medicine and making sure the patients are in their beds.

  • The checklist should be something you take from the office. You can choose not to take it, for more inventory space
  • The Checklist will have the starting tasks on it, but finding more things that are wrong will add tasks too it.

Tablet with patient bios and basic vitals. There is a tablet with basic information about the player bios, like if they are in bed, if they're flatlining, and other basic info. During hunts the tablet stops showing any information.

  • You can also choose not to take the tablet with you

Giving shots to patients to sedate patients who are upset or mad this is used to escort patients back to bed and take up inventory slots.

Attaching/checking Cardio gram machines check the pulse of patients and are required to be reattached to patients to check off the patient being safe in bed.

Prototype Requirements


The player has to be able to expend a medicine bottle from their inventory by interacting with a patient, and this has to be flagged by the quest system (which will eventually be put into the checklist). The interaction can only take place if the player has the medicine in their active inventory slot, and will immediatly empty their inventory slot. Their selected slot should stay the same, being the empty slot. There is currently no animation required, but later updates will likely add one. While the player is the one taking the action, and there is no current need for the NPC to respond, ideally there would be a flag launched by the NPC, even though it won't do anything, to prepare for changes that would need to be made later, when the NPC's would need to respond.


The player has to be able to hide in certain places. For the prototype, there should be a cupboard somewhere that can be hidden in, but ideally this would be easy to apply to any potential hiding place. There is no current need for animations, but the code needs to allow one being put in later.

Hiding locations Suitable hiding spots for the game would be closets, cabinets, under beds, and hidden corners should be good places to hide when playing the game.

These hiding spots should be scarce and should prove valuable and not too out of reach for the players but also give a feeling for the player that when the demon IS on the hunt a chase is possible to allow the player to go and find a hiding spot nearby to conceal the player from the demon, however, these spots shouldn’t give any benefits and do nothing when the player enters the spot.

** Locations**

  • The places of these hiding spots would be sparse and in different locations, for the closets they'd be built in the walls and they'd be small rooms but enough room for the player to hide in.

  • The cabinets would be out in the open spaced out very wide from any patients room, but would alert the demon with the shutting noise.

  • Hiding under beds in the patients room would be possible, but it is the worst spot out of the rest of them as it has the potential to house the demon

  • Players can hide around corners to peek and see if there is any danger closing in on them and giving them time to think of an escape plan to the safe room or another hiding spot.

Image Examples Man peeking round a corner

built in medical closet

Medical Cabinet

Old medical bed

Stretch Goals

Torch brightness levels

Pressing the G button will cycle through four brightness settings on the torch: Off, 1/3 light, 2/3 light and full light.

Sprint Limit

Running for long periods of time will cause the player to be unable to keep running while it recharges. The player doesn't need to be able to see this bar. The specific length of time is up for balancing, so it needs to be easy to change. For now, the time to recharge fully from nothing should be 3 seconds, the amount of time you can run for should be 10 seconds, and if the player stops running before the time runs out, it should recharge at a rate of 1 second per second. If the player has less than 3 seconds left, they shouldn't be able to start running at all, and if they run out of stamina they shouldn't be able to start running until the stamina is full.

Sanity Meter & Demon Rage Mode

The Sanity meter is an invisible stat of the overall sanity of all patients and the player. The player is affected more by demonic powers the lower the level of sanity. The player begins the game with 100 sanity and is affected hourly and through events. This is a losing battle the player partakes in as they will be trying to keep overall sanity as high as possible but events and the grind of the game will continue to wear and break down the patients and the player's sanity leading to increased demon activity.


Demon Rage Mode Demon rage mode is when the demon's shadow or imp searches for the player. When demon rage mode begins an audio queue triggers a guttural scream and UI screen shake. The demon is spawned out of the player's sight and starts to path towards the player. The speed of the demon is based on the Sanity level. When a demon is running or moving towards the player the screen shakes within a certain distance. Demon spawn points are set based on the current level design based on the current player position.

Sanity level’s effect on Rage Mode Higher sanity causes the demon's speed to increase and increases the demon's ability to search hiding spots for the player.


Events that effect Sanity

Sanity reduction Sanity Changes Extra info
New Hour sanity reduction -20 The hours slowly wear away sanity
Sanity reduction over time -2 per 15 minutes of in-game hour time
Completing an hourly task +2 Increasing overall sanity and morale
Resetting defamed cross-es +2 Restores the faith in the power of Christ
Defamed crosses not fixed at the end of the hour -5 per cross Allows for more demonic energy to effect the church
Completing all hourly tasks +4 Increases overall sanity and morale
NPC out of bed at the end of the hour -10 NPCs out of bed
Return the NPC to bed +5 Soothes NPCs worries
Leaving NPC mid-escort -10 Causes panic
Singing gospel NPC Event +20 Increases overall sanity
Praying NPC event +10 Increases overall sanity

Event system

The event system is made up of multiple events that affect the level and the player's experience. These are divided into dynamic events and idle events. Dynamic events are triggered by walking into the event triggers spread across the level. Idle triggers are decided and executed when the level is loaded at every new hour. Dynamic Events


**Defamed crosses ** Crosses will be spread across the level on pegs/nails. The player will be able to pick up and place crosses on pegs. When passing near a cross or at the event trigger location the cross has a chance of inverting or getting thrown from its peg. These will also have an additional audio queue. This will require the player to pick up and replace the cross with the peg. This additional optional task is given to reduce the chance of demon activity.

Idle events


Hourly task table

For the purposes of right now, the reward for success is the reward listed in the rage mechanic table, i.e. +2 to sanity.

Task name Location Effect Chance To Happen Cost of Failure Extra info
Pills NPC's Bed You have to give them medicine bottles 70% patient loses 2 health
Injection NPC's Bed You have to give them an injection 60% -4 sanity
Cardiogram NPC's Bedside You have to check the cardiogram 80% chance of cardiogram breakage increases 100% Only triggers if NPC is in bed, can't happen at the same time as update board
Food NPC's Bed You have to get them food from the kitchen 40% Chance of patient wandering increases 200%, patient loses 1 health feeding the patient successfully will bring the chance of that patient wandering down to its default value
Update Board End of NPC's Bed You have to update their board at the end of the bed, recording their state 80% -1 sanity, if the patient is the possesed patient, -10 sanity instead Can't happen at the same time as cardiogram
Check comfort NPC's Bed Check the patient is comfy 50% -1 sanity, patient loses 1 health Ideally this will include voice lines that change with sanity level
Pray Altar You have to pray for 5 seconds at the altar 30% -2 sanity +4 additional sanity

Chance to Happen Every shift, for each patient you have 2 tasks, from the table. These are the tasks you can find on the checklist. Each patients tasks will be different, i.e no patient could have pills twice, but more than one patient can have pills. The task chance shouldn't change while the game is running.

There are also generic tasks. These are not directily associated with an patient, and as such, it is possible to have no generic tasks, although there is a maximum of 2 generic tasks as well.

** Location** Any task that is set to the NPC's bed requires them to be there. If they have wandered off, you have to bring them back before you can complete the tasks. The negative effects of the task still trigger if the patient isn't there.

Random Tasks

Random tasks are not registered on the checklist until you find a signifier of them, at which point the player will add it to the checklist themselves. These tasks can be requests from the patients, or responses to erratic behaviour from them.

Task name Location Effect Chance to happen Signifiers Extra info
Wandering Set list of possible locations The patient is not in bed, but somewhere else, and you have to escort them back 5% Finding the patient, or seeing the empty bed
Broken Cardiogram NPC's Bed The cardiogram needs to be fixed before it will work again. 5% In the patients room, there will be no beeping noise, but unless the player interacts with the cardiogram, it won't be registered as a task If the cardiogram isn't working, there will be no alert given for heart attacks, or flatlines
Heart attacks NPC's Bed From the start of the event a timer will be set. After that amount of time, the patient will have a heart attack. If the player doesn't interact with them within 20 seconds, the patient will die. 100 - patient health * 5 If the cardiogram is working, it will alert the pager. Alternatively, the player going into the room. This is the primary method of patients dying. This can also only happen if the patient is in there bed, and succeeding at the check will give the patient 1 health.
Prayer Random location in prayer table The patient goes to pray 5% Finding the patient, seeing them not in bed More in patient table
Hungry Kitchen The patient spawns in the kitchen 5% Finding the patient, seeing them not in bed More in patient table
Request medication NPC's bed Patient refuses to interact with the player until they are given medication 5% Seeing the patient in bed, them asking for stuff More info in patient table
Hiding Random location in hiding table Patient spawns in hiding spot 5% Seeing the patient, seeing the bed More info in patient table

Heart Attack chance to happen The logic behind the heart attack chance to happen is that every one health the patient loses is a 5 percent higher chance the patient will have a heart attack. This is the primary (and currently only) way a patient can die. It also means that at 0 health, there is a 100% chance the patient will have this event trigger, unless they wander, but the player can still save them.

Player Tasks

There are also some player tasks that need to be completed. These will show up on the clipboard, on a seperate page to any of the patients. These don't generally affect the patient on failure, but have a larger effect on sanity, and could be intergrated into other systems, potentially being used for horror events, or by the demon abilities. The player has a 75% chance of having one of these tasks, and will have at most one of them.

Task name Location Effect Chance To Happen Cost of Failure Reward For Success Extra info
Pray Altar You have to pray for 5 seconds at the altar 25% -2 sanity +4 additional sanity
Clean Set table of locations You have to wipe down a specific area from a random table, which takes 5 seconds to complete 20% -4 sanity +6 sanity The player is told the location of the cleaning
Check Fuse The basement You have to go an interact with the fuse box in the basement 10% If this is failed, it doubles the chance of the demon triggering a full blackout, until this task is succeeded. If this task has already been failed, it resets the chance of the demon triggering a blackout to normal, otherwise, gives +8 sanity Requires the demon to be capable of triggering a full blackout
Check Water Basement You have to interact with some pipes in the basement 25% -4 sanity, each patient loses 1 health + 2 sanity This is primarily to give more purpose to the basement
Set clock On the top floor of the church room The clock will be ticking irregularly, and interacting with it will make it stop 20% -4 sanity +2 sanity Requires a clock asset, could fall out of scope with the artists. Any alternative reason to use this area with the tasks would be welcome.

State Machine

For this to be possible, there will need to be a state machine, capable of interfacing with other state machines in the game, specifically the NPC machine, communicating with the santiy meter, and holding these states, as well as picking tasks according to the set chances.


Exorcism items and Info

Here is some general information on the demons and what sort of equipment would be use in an exorcism and the rituals:

Beelzebub, Mammon, and Leviathan

Exorcisms are ritualistic practices performed in various religious traditions to expel or drive away evil spirits, demons, or malevolent entities. The specific methods and prayers used can vary widely depending on the religious beliefs and traditions of the practitioner. In Christianity, exorcisms are typically associated with the Catholic Church, but other Christian denominations may also perform them. When dealing with specific demonic entities like Beelzebub, Mammon, and Leviathan, practitioners would likely follow established exorcism rituals found in their religious texts or traditions. Here's a general overview based on Christian practices:


  • • Beelzebub is one of the highest-ranking demons in Christian beliefs.
  • • An exorcism of this would involve invoking the power of God, would be done with exorcism prayers or Lord’s payers.
  • • The ritual can use the sign of the cross, holy water, and blessed oil.



  • • Mammon is known for the love of money and material wealth.
  • • The rituals that are done involve the prays that go against greed and temptations of materialism.
  • • Items that can be used are symbols of wealth like gold or currency symbols.



  • • The demon is associated with the sea and chaos from the biblical traditions.
  • • Exorcising this demon may contain praying for the restoration of order and casting of chaotic influences.
  • • The use of items are Symbols of authority, such as crosses or religious artefacts that control over the spiritual realm.


All rituals use the following items as well:

  • • Holy Water
  • • Blessed Oil
  • • Religious Symbols
  • • Payer Books or Scriptures
  • • Candles
  • • Sacramentals
  • • Incense

It's important to note that beliefs and practices surrounding exorcisms can vary significantly among different religious traditions. Additionally, not all Christian denominations perform exorcisms, and some may approach spiritual warfare and demonic influence in different ways. The effectiveness of an exorcism is believed to come from the spiritual authority of the practitioner, the power of prayer, and the divine intervention sought. The items used are considered tools and symbols within the context of the religious tradition, helping to focus the practitioner's intention and faith.

Interactable significance Index

Interactable props will be categorised based on their significance to the game and to the player.

Significance Index Name Description Example
5 Must Have Props that are used for all demons or to beat the game Holy Water, Incense
4 Demon Specific Props that are used for specific demons to exercise them Gold to fight Mammon, Crosses to fight Leviathan
3 Patient Specific Props used on the patients or specific patients before they turn into a demon Specific medicines
2 Puzzles Props used by the player in puzzles or unlocking new areas of the map to explore Keys
1 Environmental Props Props the player is able to interact with, but have no significance to the game apart from space filler Cups, blank paper sheets

Table showing the how significant each prop is/should be to the overall game.

To see what the Significance Index is, go to the Interactable and Props page in the wiki and scroll to the bottom

Everything included in this table is taken from the megasheet:

If any changes need to be made that you feel will fit better, please @ me on the Discord, @ Josh Merrin

This will take some time, please allow time for the table to be updated

Order within each index does not matter, only the index number is the part that is important

Significance Index No. Prop Name Description
5 Demon Info Book
5 Clipboard Includes quest information for the player
5 Holy Water
5 Blessed Oil
5 Melted Candles
5 Hanging Incense
5 Standard Incense
4 General Kitchen Appliances Can be used to excorcise the Mammon demon
4 Rosary Beads Can be used to excorcise the Beelzebub (?) demon
3 Medicine Bottle
3 Syringe
2 Chalice Used for one of the puzzles
2 General Kitchen Appliances Used for some puzzles
2 Flashlight Will be used to navigate and complete certain puzzles
2 Food Trays Used for some puzzles
1 General Kitchen Appliances Used for set dressing, while also being able to pick them up
Unknown Demonic Chalice Context for the use of this prop is unknown

Here is some general information on the demons and what sort of equipment would be use in an exorcism and the rituals:

Beelzebub, Mammon, and Leviathan

Exorcisms are ritualistic practices performed in various religious traditions to expel or drive away evil spirits, demons, or malevolent entities. The specific methods and prayers used can vary widely depending on the religious beliefs and traditions of the practitioner. In Christianity, exorcisms are typically associated with the Catholic Church, but other Christian denominations may also perform them. When dealing with specific demonic entities like Beelzebub, Mammon, and Leviathan, practitioners would likely follow established exorcism rituals found in their religious texts or traditions. Here's a general overview based on Christian practices:


  • • Beelzebub is one of the highest-ranking demons in Christian beliefs.
  • • An exorcism of this would involve invoking the power of God, would be done with exorcism prayers or Lord’s payers.
  • • The ritual can use the sign of the cross, holy water, and blessed oil.



  • • Mammon is known for the love of money and material wealth.
  • • The rituals that are done involve the prays that go against greed and temptations of materialism.
  • • Items that can be used are symbols of wealth like gold or currency symbols.



  • • The demon is associated with the sea and chaos from the biblical traditions.
  • • Exorcising this demon may contain praying for the restoration of order and casting of chaotic influences.
  • • The use of items are Symbols of authority, such as crosses or religious artefacts that control over the spiritual realm.


All rituals use the following items as well:

  • • Holy Water
  • • Blessed Oil
  • • Religious Symbols
  • • Payer Books or Scriptures
  • • Candles
  • • Sacramentals
  • • Incense

It's important to note that beliefs and practices surrounding exorcisms can vary significantly among different religious traditions. Additionally, not all Christian denominations perform exorcisms, and some may approach spiritual warfare and demonic influence in different ways. The effectiveness of an exorcism is believed to come from the spiritual authority of the practitioner, the power of prayer, and the divine intervention sought. The items used are considered tools and symbols within the context of the religious tradition, helping to focus the practitioner's intention and faith.

Descriptions of all of the different interactable props that will appear in the inventory

Prop Name Inventory Description
Flashlight Illuminate an area immediately in front of you
Gold Coin Used against demons that materialise wealth
Food Tray Carry multiple objects
Holy Water Container Used against demons that invoke the power of God
Clipboard View current objectives
Blessed Oil Used against demons that invoke the power of God
Melted Candles Illuminate a small area with dim light. Can also be used in rituals
Incense Used against demons in rituals
Demon Information Book A book containing useful information about different types of demons
Medicine Bottle [Empty] A small bottle to hold certain medicines for patients
Syringe Used to give patients certain types of medicines
Pager Used in emergency situations to alert of anything that may be wrong

Different types of medicine that the patients can take

Medicine Name Medicine Description
Medicine 1 Description 1
Medicine 2 Description 2

Interactable props will be categorised based on their significance to the game and to the player.

Significance Index Name Description Example
5 Must Have Props that are used for all demons or by the player Holy Water, Incense
4 Demon Specific Props that are used for specific demons to exercise them Gold to fight Mammon, Crosses to fight Leviathan
3 Patient Specific Props used on the patients or specific patients before they turn into a demon Specific medicines
2 Puzzles Props used by the player in puzzles or unlocking new areas of the map to explore Keys
1 Environmental Props Props the player is able to interact with, but have no significance to the game apart from space filler Cups, blank paper sheets

Friendly NPCS

Patient Stats

Patients may eventually have many stats tied to them, but right now each patient will have a unique name, and a personal health stat, both starting at and being capped at 20, with no current lower limit.

Patient States

State Name Behaviour Triggers Ending
Wandering Moving almost randomly, and very slowly, avoiding objects or walls The wandering event listed in Sim The player interacting with the patient
Escorted Moving back to their room, moving at the player's walk speed, avoiding objects or walls The player bringing the patient out of wandering state Either getting back to their bed, or being left by the player
Abandoned Standing still in place The player leaving a specific radius around them while they were being escorted The player reentering their radius, which sets them back to escort, or the night ends, setting them back to wandering
In Bed Lying in bed, doing nothing The game beginning, or them reaching their bed while being escorted The wandering event, dying
Dead The patient is not interactable, but is still in the bed, limp Heart attack None

Patient task ideas:

Medicine distribute/fetch meds. Give food make sure they eat. Play music for them (piano). Pray.

Demons/ Enemies

Trigger events/tasks:

Beelzebub: Beelzebub's event "the feast begins" will center around the glutton trait, making it almost "eat" away at the players time so that they wont have as much time to look around for key items for the exorcism.

Leviathan: Leviathan's tasks "Chalice of Envy-gelism" and "An envious pallet" will center around its trait of being envious/jealous. for the two tasks for the first draft the underlaying theme became that it doesn't want you to use the prayer objects since its jealousy makes it very possessive of its own belongings, as well at that it wants what everyone else has.

Mammon: For Mammon's tasks "Greedful Harmony" and "It's greed-licious" are meant to be used as a sort of springboard for further interactions with it, for example in "greedful Harmony" Mammon steals something, this can also be taken as a show of it taking things that others have or use daily, which we can use for other items that the player might need for its exorcism or to take care of the patients.

exorcism: Didn't really come up with to much for this for the first draft, would like to get more input from ND and LD for how to plan these.

** explanation on difference between trigger and event:** A task is something that will use the demons personality to have the player do something while a trigger can be something that happens because of a different task. Example on that can be if the active demon is Mammon then if the player buys medicine then it will trigger an aggravated response which can lead to a aggressive hunt if repeated, other times it can just go straight to a chase.

Draft ideas: These ideas are just here for discussion no need to implement if they aren't added to the column's bellow.




Suggestion for demon interactions: We can use some of the tasks as a base line task that they all share and behave very similar for it to throw the player a little of which one it might be. example for this is is going to be "feed the needy", "The feast begins", "An envious pallet" and "Its greed-licious ", where they all are centered around each of the demons main personality trait but still will be very similar.

Further interactions we can look in to where they will act the same would be their angered states and if they have a aggravated state before their angered state we can have them do some actions there that would be similar and some that are very distinct.

Notes for each demon: (just to help with understanding for each task/evet as well as guide lines for making new tasks/event) Leviathan each trigger task should try to play with its nature of envy/jealousy.

Beelzebub each trigger task should try to play with its nature of glutteny.

mammon each trigger task should try to play with its nature of greed.

Possession behaviours

Gluttony: NPC tries to eat other patients and the player.

Greed: Steals items and moves them (off-screen), steals medicine and consumes it, drug-induced rage towards the player.

Envy: Jealous of player, tries to trick player into thinking they are a different patient, tries to kill player because they want to be you / bring you down so that they are better than you.

Various voice lines Normal patient and possessed lines. Different for each sin, acts as a hint to the player as to which demon it is. E.g. Envy lines talk about wanting things, maybe obsession towards the player?

Visual indicators Gluttony: More visible blood around mouth as night progresses, slows down?

Greed: More items move / move more frequently, more medicine is used up, more erratic?

Envy: Voice lines get more obsessive and patient starts to stalk player?

Patient sanity Each possessed patient has different states of possession that worsen over time. Behaviour will start out as very normal and will devolve throughout the night, leading to it being obvious who the possessed patient is and who they are possessed by.

Level Design




Patient Hallways

Patient Rooms




Mood board

Colour pallets

Player character


Demons/ Enemies


Set/enviroment design



Background Music

SFX for interactables

SFX for player

SFX for Friendly NPCs

SFX for Enemies

Voice Acting

UI Design


UI Design Rules


Fonts-- text sizes

Medical record fonts examples/ potential fonts

Example of book fonts examples/ potential fonts


Inventory icons/visuals

HUD Symbols

  • Aiming Reticle
  • Open/close doors
  • Pickup object
  • Place object
  • Hide behind/under the object
  • Interact with a patient
  • Settings menu icon

Icon sizes

Shape language

Basic shape meanings Shape language


Ui colour palate examples to be changed or updated some portions of the colour schemes are just accent colors used to draw player eyes to important info

Book colours palate and other menus Demonic book colour scheme

clipboard colours medical record clipboard color scheme

Pager computer colours AdobeColor-pager colour scheme


basic button selection animations paper burning up as selection animation example quick burn-up animation of paper leaving behind burning hot coal letters



UI Flowcharts


UI Wireframes

Potential wireframe ideas


image image image image image image image image image image

Final wireframe UI

Title screen

title screen with background

Save screen

Save screen w background


loading screen with specifics


pause screen


settings video screen settings accessability audio tab settings settints controls controller settings controls keyboard and mouse


credits with specifics

Lose screen

lose screen w background

Win screen

win screen with background







Any and all narrative research


Leviathan - Demon of Envy - Serpent of the Abyss

Religious Texts:

  • Book of Enoch: He is described as female in this text.
  • Jewish Midrash: There were 2 serpents, one male, one female. The female was killed, and the male is Leviathan.
  • Talmud Baba Bathra: Leviathan was killed, skinned and his flesh was eaten. His skin was used as a tent for the banquet and the leftover skin was put on the walls of Jerusalem to illuminate them.

Physical Descriptions:

  • 300 meters long
  • Horns with an inscription: 'I am one of the meanest creatures that inhabit the sea. I am three hundred miles in length, and enter this day into the jaws of the Leviathan'.
  • Eyes glow and are incredibly bright.


  • Demon of Envy
  • When hungry, he boils the sea with his mouth.
  • His ritual item is a chalice. (Satanic Bible)
  • Demon of the West (Satanic Bible)
  • He is opposed by St. Peter (The 1st of the 12 Apostles)
  • Encourages humans to participate in heresy and secrecy.

Rough concept for artists to use as a reference (Made by Ari): Leviathan Concept

Interactable Lore

Additional Notes