AddonBuilder - Aeryes/DayZ-Samples GitHub Wiki

Learn the basic usage of Addon Builder to pack your mods!!!

Here we will discuss the basic usage of Addon Builder to pack pbo files for the Steam workshop.

Open up the DayZ tools and click on the button that says Addon Builder:

The following window should appear on your screen:

Lets discuss the usage of this tool now that we have it open.

At the top of the window you will see a text box with 'Addon source directory' next to it. This is where you point to the mod you want to pack into pbo format. Always point to the mod folder (ClothingSample in this case) and not the prefix folder (inf in this case).

Below that is 'Destination directory'. This is the save location for the packaged pbo file.

Next we have 'Addon prefix' which in the picture above is 'inf'. You can use any prefix you want, just make sure the prefix folder name matches the entry here.

Finally we have our binarize options and signing options. Here you can select to binarize your mod which usually leads to people not been able to view you p3d models. This is a good way to prevent people copying your work. Click the sign option to sign the pbo so it can be used on live servers.

At the bottom of the window you will see 4 buttons.

Logs will show you error logs if there are any as well as packing logs. Pack will pack your mod into pbo format so you can use it ingame. **About **will show you information about Addon Builder.

Options Button:

The options button once pressed will bring up the following window:

The options on this page allow you to set the paths for various settings. The most important and most used option here will be 'Path to private key' which is where you will set the path to your key location for signing pbo file.