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InvoiceScannerApp documentation

Here are the links to each module documentation:


To correctly setup the application, the following steps are required:

  1. Install Python 3.12
  2. Dependencies installation - simply install everything from the requirements.txt
  3. Poppler installation - download the latest release from here, then set the correct path in config_consts.py.
  4. Google Cloud Vision API setup
    1. Create Google Cloud account
    2. Create a new project for the application
    3. Activate a free trial which gives you free credits for the first 3 months of usage of Google Cloud services
    4. Create a service account
    5. Create a json key for the service account (IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> Created service account -> Keys -> Add Key). JSON file should afterward be downloaded.
    6. Add service account into your project (IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> Created service account -> Permissions -> Grant Access). Under New Principals, pass the service account's email (can be found under Service Account Details tab), and give it an owner role.
    7. Copy the JSON file path, and put it into your environmental variables under "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" key.
    8. Enable Cloud Vision API to be used in your project (APIs & Services -> Enabled APIs & Services -> Enable APIs & Services -> Cloud Vision API -> Enable)

After a setup run app.py and go under http://localhost:5000/doc to see the endpoints documentation.