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Raspberry Pi

Ainar Garipov edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 17 revisions

How to install and run AdGuard Home on a Raspberry Pi

You can install AdGuard Home on your Raspberry Pi and use it to filter ads and save traffic. Once it is installed, you can use your AdGuard Home on any machine connected to the same local network.

You'll need a Raspberry Pi with network access and SSH enabled. Connect it to a display and a keyboard, boot it, and write down the IP address that has been assigned to your Pi:

hostname -I | xargs -n 1

If there are several IP addresses, write down the first one. Switch back to your main computer, but keep your Pi running, and launch an ssh client. On Windows, you can use PuTTY, while on Linux, macOS, and other Unix-like OSes, you can just use your preferred terminal emulator.


ssh pi@

(where is the IP you've written down) and then type your Pi's password (which is raspberry unless you've changed it already). Once you're done, you will be greeted by the command line interface. Now you're ready to install your own AdGuard Home!


Go to AdGuard Home page and download binaries for Raspberry Pi:

wget ''
tar -f AdGuardHome_linux_armv6.tar.gz -x -v

(Replace armv6 with the ARM version that is best supported by your Pi.)

That command unpacks the necessary data into a new directory called AdGuardHome. Run this command to install AdGuard Home as a service:

cd ./AdGuardHome/
sudo ./AdGuardHome -s install

Here are the other commands you might need to control the service:

  • AdGuardHome -s uninstall: uninstall the AdGuard Home service.

  • AdGuardHome -s start: start the service.

  • AdGuardHome -s stop: stop the service.

  • AdGuardHome -s restart: restart the service.

  • AdGuardHome -s status: show the current service status.

You can verify that it's working properly by running this on your Pi:


If everything works correctly, you will get this output:

Using domain server:

Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Once it is confirmed that AdGuard Home works on our Raspberry Pi, you can use it on other computers in your network by changing their system DNS settings to use the Pi's IP address.

Go to the “Setup Guide” page in the web interface and follow the instructions.