Rose Gold - Additional-Mods/additionaladditions GitHub Wiki

A new alloy of Gold and Copper. Upgrade Iron items on a Smithing Table with Rose Gold alloys to get those.
Rose Gold alloys are craftable with 4 gold and 4 copper ingots.

Tier: Between Iron and Diamond.
Tool Durability: 900
Armor Durability: 264 | 384 | 360 | 312
Armor Protection: 2 | 6 | 7 | 2
Armor Toughness: 1
Armor Knockback Protection: 0
Enchantability: 17
Repair ingredient: Copper Ingot

You also would need Rose Gold Upgrades. You can find them in Underwater Ruins, Pillager Outposts, or Mineshaft chests. You can craft new ones by placing one cobblestone in the middle of the crafting table, one rose gold upgrade above it, and filling the rest of the slots with iron ingots.

Crafting recipe:

Other iron items can be used. (Except ingots)


Rose Gold Armor on a Armor Stand