Project Meeting 2022.05.17 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Sharrow Documentation

  • Currently on hosted on, Jeff is working on integrating documentation with the code.
  • Noted that some ActivitySim documentation is specific to a certain implementation, some application to any ActivitySim documentation, but all mixed together which can be confusing.
  • Added a section about using/installing sharrow
    • More detailed steps for installing a developer’s version of sharrow.
    • Clear separation between user and developer’s stuff, instead of all mixed together.
  • Instructions to pull in sharrow and how to run the code.
  • Added how to build a workflow to compare the outputs
    • Added workflow command line interface
    • New directory for workflow
      • Steps directory has chunks of python code or similar things, like model components but more general because it’s workflow components.
      • Contrast directory has a bunch of tools written specifically to compare a sharrow run versus a seed run of ActivitySim. Pulled in some benchmarking tools to run against an older version of Activitysim within the same workflow.
    • New workstep that can load tablesets from multiple model runs.
  • Running contrast, you can get a contrast report that compares model run for individual components for different model runs.
    • Any profiling of memory footprint? Yes, there is.
  • Can we use the runtime comparison report to get insights into what is working and what is working?
    • Once we get to the point of running the full scale comparisons, we can use it to assess the following, for example:
      • What is taking a long time?
      • What runtime tradeoffs are being made?
      • What are the spatial and temporal resolution impacts on model components?
  • User’s Guide
    • Jeff trying to write the configurations so that it can automatically show up in documentation pages.
    • Concise list of all of the settings available for global and individual components.
  • Should be ready for people to download and run. There are some incomplete doc strings. You are welcome to flag incomplete or missing doc strings.