Project Meeting 2022.01.18 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki


  • SANDAG review of SimWrapper

    • Visualizer components are well organized and successfully build dashboards.
    • A layer of user involvement is needed to create visualizer. Would be good if there was an option to go directly from model run to visualizer output (e.g. HTML?)
    • Design is clean and intuitive, and are easy to generate and navigate.
    • Some observations / bugs: dashboards are not supported for all browsers, error logging is minimal, some chart legend placement can be funky, maps are centered on SF by default
    • Dashboard performance varies widely between machines (best performance on machines with dedicated GPUs). Dashboard may become slow / unresponsive when there are complicated maps or charts. Maps and charts can take quite some time to load and are re-loaded every time that tabs are changed.
      • suggestion that maybe simplifying zone boundaries might make the maps load faster
    • In general, the visualizer was easily extensible to other ActivitySim scenarios (does require some knowledge of SimWrapper API). There are some other issues that may arise with more complicated scenarios. For example, in a 3-zone model, the TAP skims were not available in the summary steps, so trip length frequency distributions for transit couldn't be generated.
      • Did create a visualizer for non-ActivitySim run by just creating the summary files used by SimWrapper via some other data processing pipeline
    • Slides that were presented can be viewed here and memo describing assessment can be viewed here
  • Phase 7 task orders updates / Admin

    • Hope is to iterate this week on tasks and scope and have notices to proceed sent by next week.
    • Expect to perform visualizer pull request review under phase 7 budget