Project Meeting 2021.05.20 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Project admin

  • Partners only meeting right after this, please join
  • Plan to discuss IRFP, phase 7 scoping, marketing plans
  • Add server specs page

Phase 6a work

  • Task 3 telecommute model
    • Revised memo to follow SANDAG design, WFH before work location and add approximate multimodal aggregate accessibility measure
    • Drafted and tested revised WFH implementation but still a couple todos:
      • Need to make a change to the shadow pricing calculator sequencing and want to discuss with Jeff. Basically initialize households scaled the desired SP size to the population size since they can be different and I need to move that after WFH. I did this, but want to discuss the approach.
      • Need to create the multimodal aggregate accessibility measure; I'm just using the auto one for testing the WFH submodel
      • @SANDAG to share existing CTRAMP model output accessibility measures and ActivitySim output accessibility measures so we can compare measures, including checking the scale and mapping the measures
      • We want to create a simple weighted approach to the mulitmodal measure using what's possible with the existing ActivitySim accessibility calculator tool
    • Considerations for DaySim style in/out regional commute flows are related but let's get this done and put that idea on the list for future improvements
  • Task 4 transit pass model
    • Calculating the ratio of the value of a pass to the cash fare from the SEMCOG OBS
    • Including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, semester, and annual passes. I am not including ticket books, multi-hr passes, day passes, or "$11 for $10" cards. Basically looking for higher value passes.
    • To calculate value of these passes, I am dividing the cost of the pass by the average number of rides for all transit pass holders for the duration of the pass. The average number of rides can be roughly approximated by the transit frequency question in the survey. It took a while to figure out the cost (the numerator) due to changes in the kinds and values of fares offered for each operator since the survey was conducted.
    • In the SEMCOG OBS, pass ownership was asked as a series of yes/no questions. I guess because some people could own multiple passes, though its rare.
    • When I look at pass ownership versus type of fare, in some cases it appeared inconsistent, so I've been talking to ETC about why
    • Joel share results next Thursday
  • Task 7 usability enhancements
    • Ran a couple tests, but still need to run a couple more and organize results for sharing/discussion
    • Plan to share next Tuesday
    • And added a new page for agency server specs