Project Meeting 2018.07.13 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Trip mode choice

  • coding complete, see pull request #243
  • currently fixing a few remaining expression issues in trip mode choice for the full scale run using our great tracing and debugging data pipelining tools
  • complete start to finish full scale example:
    • runs in 19.5 hours single threaded
    • produces a 40 GB pipeline
    • produces 680 trace CSV files

Documentation / release

  • in the process of updating the documentation
  • plan to release soon

Phase 4 scope of work

  • updated scope of work based on ITM discussion
  • we are still on track for a September 1 NTP
  • group decided to go with ARC and SANDAG as the two additional regions for this scope of work, why?
    • ARC is similar to MTC TM1 so effort is easiest
    • SANDAG has time to support effort, we can use the multiple zone pilot project data, and we're going to use it to test two zone system support
    • we'll need to figure out how to go from SANDAG's three zone systems to something a bit simpler and based on the two-zone approach. We'll probably add to the input maz input table, an access/egress stop by transit (line-haul mode | skim set) and use that for calculating transit path level-of-service. DaySim's maz input file has attributes for distance to nearest transit stop by line-haul mode, but SANDAG's will have a stop ID, and the distances will be looked up from additional input files + used to query the stop-to-stop transit skims.
  • @Ben to make a few updates to the scope of work as a result