Project Meeting 2017.03.31 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Data Pipelining and Random Number Sequencing

  • A PRNG object for each hh, person, tour type, trip type is using too much memory
  • @RSG - revising/testing to instead re-seed the PRNG on-the-fly; performance tests are promising so far
  • Models will then register with ActivitySim how many random numbers they might need and what type they are; see table of max random numbers by TM1 sub-model
  • Created create_simple_trips model step for better testing and modeling of trip data
  • Corrected sample sizes so random number usage is accurate #158
  • Added random numbers to tracing #162
  • @RSG - update documentation, including steps to add a new module (such as create_simple_trips)


  • Started thinking about how to incorporate logsums, see Adding Logsums
  • Plan to prototype revisions and report back to the team


  • @Joe discuss updated Governance plan
  • Can we have a draft online by the TRB Planning Applications conference in May?

Project Management

  • Created Progress Report Phase 3 based on the random numbers by sub-model table, since this is a better description of the model steps required to implement MTC TM1