Project Meeting 2016.03.25 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Project Administration

  1. OSG - OSG under contract - Ben (@bstabler) will setup a conference call for us to introduce OSG to the project and problems being solved - OSG's in-person presentation will be later - after they better understand the problem(s)
  2. Project admin - Make sure to send an email reminder about the meeting agenda in addition to updating the wiki - Bill will send out a re-occurring bi-weekly meeting invite

Updates on Current Milestones - Task 2

  1. Getting Started Tutorial

    • Ben built docs and is getting familiar with rst and Sphinx build process
    • Ben outlined the Example section and started writing some draft page text - configuration files, expression syntax, etc.
    • Example currently broken; need to fix
    • Planning to work on this next week
  2. Large Scale Performance Test

    • Ben converted all matrices to OMX
    • Jeff (@toliwaga) made some revisions to to test re-reading the distance matrix from disk as opposed to just getting it from memory
    • Goal is to read and use all the required OMX matrices referenced in tour_mode_choice.csv into memory and document the memory usage and runtime implications
    • defaults\tables\ needs some updates as well in order to read and store all the matrices
    • Planning to work on this next week
  3. Coveralls Testing via Continuous Integration System

    • Jeff has this back up and running now
    • Master branch is now write protected
    • This is basically done until we have new code (along with additional test code)