Home - Accuraty/AccuTheme-2021 GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the AccuTheme-Bs4 wiki!

NodeJS v16.20.2 (64-bit) <<< 20231105 JRF

As of 11/05/2023, NodeJS 16.20.2 LTS is the highest version that will survive npm install (initial setup). Tried 18.18.2 and failed on gyp related stuff (did NOT try to fix).

NVM is your friend

Many projects (this one definitely) need Node Version Manager (NVM) nowadays. Please see the One-time NVM setup instructions [WIP].

As of Mar 2023, Node v16.19.1 LTS is the recommended choice.

How do I...

Add back the EasyDNNnews (EDN) templates that were removed in early 2021?

We made a Release with the tag: EDN

Add or update the favicon?

Open the .env file in the project root, read.

Change or update the Start, Build, Package, and other Gulp Tasks?

These are Gulp Tasks and documented here.


  • WIP stands for Work In Progress
  • In late 2021 JDT worked thru a deep dependencies update
  • You can help improve this Wiki, share what you learn and figure out!
  • Mime Types that affect DNN are here

How to edit this Wiki locally?
  • Git Clone the repo to a new local project ADDING .wiki.git
  • If you use a Branch, to make them visible you must merge your branch INTO main (see image below)
  • Read the docs here


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