Metrics Page Tech Doc - AashnaNarang/SurveyLab GitHub Wiki


  • Survey Responses API Updates

    GET /api/v1/surveys/:surveyId or GET /api/v1/surveys/survey_responses/:surveyId

    • First try to make it a different route than the existing show route, if the code is the same then combine the two.

    • If the two are combined, check for errors that may pop up in the Survey.js file

    • If its a text response, a JSON of all the responses

    • If its an MC response, then a summary of how many responses per option + the option name

    • This is the response:

         survey: {
            "question 1": {
               "question_type": text,
               "order": 1,
               "responses": {
                  "response 1"", 
                  "response 2", 
                  "response 3" 
            "question 2": {
               "question_type": "mc",
               "order": 2,
               "responses": {
                  "Option 1": 20, 
                  "Option 2": 5, 
                  "Option 3": 10, 
                  "Option 4": 1
    • Then the frontend can display the question, then a list of responses for text ones, for mc question, display the question then display the answers in the form of a pie chart


  • Use API: /surveyResponses/:surveyId page
    • The “View metrics” button on the survey on the dashboard routes to this page
    • Call the GET /api/v1/surveys/:surveyId or GET /api/v1/surveys/survey_responses/:surveyId API to get the information you need
    • Display each text question and below it have a scrollable list (static size box though) of the text responses
    • Display each mc question and below it have a pie chart of the mc_options
    • Questions should be displayed in the same order they are displayed in the survey