Sprint 4&5 Report Meeting Minutes - APorporino/ECSE-321-TutoringSystem GitHub Wiki


Wednesday, Nov 20th 9:30 - 11:30

* Reviewed requirements for deliverable 4 and 5 and came up with a plan to tackle this deliverable.
* Since it was not required we did not implement full functionality of our application to our mobile app. We decided to implement login, signup, make/update/delete an availability and view a students reviews. Although it does not showcase all possible features, what we did implement works.

* Plan
    - Get started on the app as soon as possible and implement the four features described above.
    - Finish user documentation for the website so a user can read it and fully understand how to use the application
    - Prepare for the presentation/demo and make the powerpoint slides.

* Felix: set up Android branch and environment so that we can start coding
* Felix: Login Signup frontend for app
* Tyler: Availability frontend + backend for app
* Charles: View a students review frontend + backend for app
* Kyle: Extensive user documentation for website on wiki + more javadoc comments in backend for app and website
* Felix and Anthony: Backend for login + signup for app
* Anthony: Merging of all pages in app + Meeting Minutes
* TEAM: Presentation slides, content of presentation
  • Created issues on GitHub for all these tasks as well as new Project and milestones for sprint 4 and 5

Friday, Nov 22th 9:30 - 12:30

* Felix explained to team how to use android branch properly
* Felix explained basics of how android apps set up.
* From the layout of login/signup, worked on other the other features frontend.
* Asked questions and made sure everyone knew how to complete frontend and backend for features for the upcoming weekend.
* Began work on user documentation for website.

Monday, Nov 25th 9:30 - 11:30

* After weekend, backend and frontend had been implemented for all features for app.
* Reviewed the functionality of all of it and fixed many bugs.
* Combined all pages into one, implementation decision.
* Began work on presentation slides and what to say during demo

Wednesday Nov 27th 9:30 - 10:30

* Practiced demo that takes place on Thursday Oct 28th