Sprint 2 Report Meeting Minutes - APorporino/ECSE-321-TutoringSystem GitHub Wiki


Wednesday, Oct 16th 9:30 - 12:30

* Reviewed requirements for deliverable 2 and came up with a plan to tackle this deliverable.
* Plan:
  - Write a business method for each use case
  - Came up with software QA plan for dynamic v&v testing (how thorough we wished to test business methods)
    (see software quality assurance plan wiki page)
  - Write RESTful services using Java Spring technologies for each business method
  - Test these RESTful services (using test suite and HTTP agent (postman))

* Made gitHub issues and assigned them to members for tasks needed to be completed. Spent rest of time implementing all use cases as business methods.

Friday, Oct 18th 9:30 - 12:30

* Individual work on service methods assigned with a discussion and question/answer period and offering of help
* Roles:
   - Anthony (Business methods associated with availability)
   - Tyler (Business methods associated with person and appointment)
   - Felix (Business methods associated with course and specific course)
   - Kyle  (Business methods associated with room)
   - Charles (Business methods associated with reviews)

Monday, Oct 21st 2019 9:30 - 12:30

* Discussed software quality assurance plan and came up with a plan for business methods:
* Plan:
   - Unit tests to tests the business methods ability to write to database. I.E. (create).
   - test create methods with null pointers
   - test a couple get methods with different specification to retrieve specific data (get).
   - Can test delete if you wish but not required

* Began writing JUnit tests for business methods
* Organized gitHub page and wiki to documentation (new project (sprint2) and made more issues for testing). 

Wednesday, Oct 23rd 2019 9:30 - 12:30

* Individual work on RESTful services for business methods
* Roles:
   - Anthony (RESTful services for availability)
   - Tyler (RESTful services for person and appointment)
   - Felix (RESTful services for course and specific course)
   - Kyle  (RESTful services for room)
   - Charles (RESTful services for reviews)

* Plan for RESTful service testing:
   - Test using a mock database and test suite (learn from tutorial)
   - From class it is acceptable to use a HTTP agent to test these services.
* Organized gitHub page and wiki to include documentation for restful service method endpoints. 

Friday, Oct 25th 2019 9:30 - 12:30

* Completed business methods test suite (all tests pass 51/51)
* Completed RESTful service test suite for certain classes and tested the other classes using postman (successful)
* Completed writing the software quality assurance plan to gitHub wiki

Wednesday, Oct 30th 2019 9:30 - 11:00

* Last meeting to go over everything
* Made sure Travis CI compiled, builded, and successfully run the program as well as past tests
* Worked on specifying more documentation in QA plan
* Created more javadoc and comments in code
* Celebrated a job well done for deliverable 2
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