Integration With Other Perspectives (RESTful Services) - APorporino/ECSE-321-TutoringSystem GitHub Wiki

Services required by STUDENT perspective:

GET /availabilities/getByTutor
Description: Fetch all availabilities for a specified tutor.

  • String tutorUsername

GET /availabilities/getByDate
Description: Get all the availabilities in the database for a specific date.

  • long date
    • UNIX timestamp

POST /appointments/cancelAppointment
Description: Cancel an appointment.

  • long appointmentID
  • String status
    • Option: Cancelled

GET /specificCourses/getByTutor Description: Get all the courses for a specific tutor. Parameters:

  • String tutorUsername

Services required by MANAGER perspective:

POST /courses/removeCourse Description: Delete a course by courseID. Parameters:

  • long courseID
    • ie: ECSE321

POST /persons/updatePerson
Description: Update the information of a person. Parameters:

  • String firstName
  • String lastName
  • String username
  • String personType
    • Options: Tutor, Student
  • String password
  • String email
  • String sexe (optional)
  • long age (optional)

POST /specificCourses/updateSpecificCourse Description: Update a tutor's specific course details (hourlyRate, course teaching, etc.). Parameters:

  • String hourlyRate
    • eg.: 15.75
  • String tutorUsername
  • String courseID
    • eg.: ECSE321

POST /appointments/updateAppointment
Description: Update an appointment.

  • long date
    • UNIX timestamp
  • long startTime
    • UNIX timestamp
  • long endTime
    • UNIX timestamp
  • String tutorUsername
  • long roomId
  • String status
    • Options: Requested, Accepted, Refused, Paid, Cancelled

POST /reviews/removeReview Description: Remove a review. Parameters:

  • long reviewID